Anthropology and plastic vision in the works of (beautiful Qarni) Analytical and Descriptive Study


  • المدرس المساعد كارزان كريم صابر كلية التربية واللغات / الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية



Anthropology, Vision, Human, Civilization, Illusion, Art, Kurdistan, Artworks, Expression, Color, Shape, Art, Painting


In this research I tried to highlight the works of (Karane Jamel), which I believe he is one of the most important fames artists in Iraqi Kurdistan. In his exhibition titled: (Illusion human, Illusion Civilization) on the series of works that he exposed in the city of Erbil. His works made me to create an idea on the effect of the anthropology of art on his works. The researcher adopted both analysis and comparison methods, and we divided the research into two parts: The first part: Anthropology in general and the anthropology of Art in particular. The second part tried to analyze some of the artist's work along with the interview with the artist to get useful information. In order to get the answers to the questions that I stated in my research which is the role of anthropology of Art in the works of Karane Jamel?In conclusion the findings of the interview of the information that I collected regarding his works. In the context of descriptive analysis which is part of his work and determine their color and formand compare them with symbolic semantics, discover its origin. It was found that there are several factors that show the effects of anthropological art in the works of the artist: Including mud and color muddy are the formal indications in the artist’s works. That shows the feature of his works affected by the cultural heritage of the city of Erbil. The identity of the city of Erbil in that period, which illustrates the human act with the mud as a clay period. 




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-مقابلة خاصة اجريتها مع الفنان بتأريخ 20/1/2017 ، تمام الساعة الرابعة عصرأ في المركز الثقافي التحاد الكتاب الكورد. 2 -مناقشة فنية مع الفنان في معهد الفنون الجميلةأربيل سنة 2006

،الموضوع ، مقالة فلسفية حول الذاكرة والخيال في شبكة االنترنيت، متاحة على الرابط االتي: /com.mawdoo3://htt


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