Shekh sherwan cemetery dome

Field research


  • Jange Zrar Kurda Archaeology Department, College of Art, Salahaddin University, Erbil Kurdistan Region, Iraq



dome, cemetery, Sheikh Sherwan Village, architectural elements, grave


Shekh Sherwan Cemetery is located on the border of Shekh Sherwan village in Shamak district, in the southwest direction of Erbil city, about 32 km away. One of the most famous and ancient cemeteries in the city.

 So far, no any academic research or excavations have been conducted to prove the history of the archaeological remains of the cemetery, and it’s not known exactly the construction date of the site of the cemetery, also it hasn’t been mentioned at any other sources. What exists at the inner part of the wall of the dome (Darwish Abdullah Andalusi) records the date (1114 AH / 1694 AD), Not older inscriptions have been found.

In this study, we have tried to scientifically focus on the domes of the cemetery, which consists of about seven domes (one of them is new and not considered as an archaeological site) and are somehow different in shape and size. This cemetery is also called the Seven Gomez Cemetery.

 Some of the tombs have been restored, but not by experts. The work has been done by the villagers of Sheikh Sherwan themselves, which has had a negative impact on the authenticity of the remains of the cemetery.

 Therefore, the main aim of this field research is to study, shape and plan of the tombs of the cemetery, with the analysis of the architectural elements of the archaeological domes. In terms of decoration, the domes are generally poor. Despite of that, analysis of the remained ornaments from domes has not been forgotten, whether they are botanical, geometric or calligraphy.


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How to Cite

Jange Zrar Kurda. (2024). Shekh sherwan cemetery dome: Field research. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(3), 646–673.


