QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000080;">The <strong>Qalaai Zanist journal (</strong></span><span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bolder;">گۆڤاری قەڵای زانست</span><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>) (PISSN - 2518-6558, EISSN - 2518-6566)</strong> is a scientific journal published by Lebanese French University, Erbil-Iraq. It covers all human and scientific disciplines, and currently, the focus is on topics of administration, economics, accounting, tourism, law, legal administration, foreign relations, diplomacy, education with all its scientific interests, Kurdish, Arabic, English, and French languages, as well as plastic arts, engineering, and information technology. This </span><span style="color: #000080;">journal follows a double-blind peer-review process, where the duration between submission to acceptance of the article will take approximately 6 to 10 weeks.</span></p> Lebanese French Univeristy, Erbil - Iraq en-US QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL 2518-6558 <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>Qalaai Zanist Journal</strong> allows the author to retain the copyright in their articles. Articles are instead made available under a Creative Commons license to allow others to freely access, copy and use research provided the author is correctly attributed.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>Creative Commons</strong> is a licensing scheme that allows authors to license their work so that others may re-use it without having to contact them for permission</span></p> The Use of Information Technology in The Process of Teaching Music to Students of Colleges of Fine Arts <p>This research aimed to identify the use of information technology in teaching music and the traditional direct teaching method in teaching music and to identify the theories and rules of music. As a result of the technical development in the fields of computers specialized in music, music programs specialized in teaching music, reading music, music notation, analysis, and determination of distances and harmonious combinations were produced. These programs as an indicator of their technical capabilities. Therefore, modern technology appeared in the field of music in general, and in the field of musical composition, solfege, distances, harmonic chords, and musical theories in particular, whether in singing, audio recordings, or music notation. And since the computer has been used in many fields, it has played a major role in the field of music and musical sciences in general, as it is used in the process of processing sounds, such as adding some effects to the sound, or using it as an aid to teach the basics of musical theories and music notation in general. better.</p> <p>&nbsp;Hence, the researchers came up with the idea through his experience in dealing with modern programs, as well as his knowledge of modern technologies and computer programs such as video recording programs and music programs such as (Finale, Encore, Avid Technology Sibelius, Muse Score, Sonar), which can be used in the teaching process. Music, and the researchers used the descriptive approach, so the researchers used the computer in the process of teaching music because of its ability to attract the student and stimulate motivation towards learning. students when using it in the teaching process. As well as choosing the best method that achieves the highest levels of teaching and learning in the field of music sciences.</p> Seerwan Mohammed Mustafa Mohammed Abdula Kakasur Mohammed Aziz Shaker Zaza الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1 31 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.1 Environmental Education in the Studying Curriculums <p>This study focuses on environmental education in the school curriculums. The importance of this research is that it contains good theoretical knowledge about the environmental education, and methods of incorporating environmental topics into educational curriculams, that are the basis for the development of environmental awareness in the education and teaching process. At the practical level, it presents the level of attention and including environmental issues in the school curriculum. The main objective is to determine the level of attention of the KRG education programs towards environmental education. To reach the conclusion, the researchers used the method of content analysis, for this purpose they tried to prepare a list of environmental topics that should be included in the curriculum, then analyzed the content of the seventh-grade curriculum. The conclusion is that the highest level of attention in the curriculam is in the humanrights program, The important thing is that, there is a lower level of the environmental education in the Abilities and Social Values curriculam, but the lowest level is in the Social Subjects curriculam. The highst level among the environmental and its’ issues is the water, but the lawest level is the animals’ issues (poaching, animals are the balance for the environment).. There is afew attention to the practies, activities, and Environmental awareness in the curriculams.</p> Othman Braim Hamad Hataw Kareem Khidir الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 32 58 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.2 Jameel Saib’s (In My Dream) Story Under the Light of Historicism <p>The relation between history and literature is an old topic of theoretical and critical debate on literature. To somehow، there are attempts to discover the nature of this relation. This has been attempts through studying the literature of almost all nations around the world. The present research, entitled Jameel Saib's (In My Dream) Novel under the light of historicism'، is an attempt to explain the relationship between history and literature which can be found at a certain phase of our literature. The study uses a descriptive analyitical method، with the focus on historical criticism. It aims to unveil the relations that can be found within the mentioned novel's text. Based on the sources that have been used، it can be argued that the novel is a proper reflection of the socio-political and economic circumstances of its era (the era of sheikh Mahmood in the twentieth of the twenty century).</p> Hazhar Ahmed Abdulghafur Farhad Mustafa Hamad الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 59 87 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.3 Perception of Aesthetics in Contemporary Ceramic Art <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research entitled "Perception of Aesthetics in Contemporary Ceramic Art" ((The works of artist Dana Salahuddin al-Sharif as an example)) is an attempt to explain and demonstrate the aesthetic perception of the works of artist Dana Salah al-Din. Great attention has been given to the perception of the beauty of artistic and literary works. To be more familiar with and feel these concepts of the artworks of Kurdish artists. We are trying to answer several questions related to this topic, such as: Is it possible for a person to feel the beauty of artistic works through perception? Do contemporary ceramics artworks show a perception of beauty? There is no doubt that perception and beauty have a huge role in the development of artistic works, especially ceramic art. Through perception, some artists have been able to express their surroundings through their artworks, this motivated them to perform beautiful and great work in their artistic lives.</p> <p>The research is classified into four parts, the first part describes the general frame of the research and is devoted to, the first: the research problems, second: the research importance, third: the research objectives, fourth: research limits, fifth: research path, sixth. Definitions of the terms.</p> <p>The second part is devoted to the theoretical framework of the research, this research includes four axes, first: the theme of the relationship between perception and mind, second: the relationship between perception and beauty, third: the beauty between selfishness and objectivity. And the fourth: the characteristics of understanding aesthetic techniques in ceramic art.</p> <p>The third part of the research consists of: (Analysis of options), and the fourth part is about the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; results and sources.</p> <p>The third part of the study consists of: (Options Analysis), and the fourth part describes the results and sources.</p> Gzng Mohammed Abdulwahid Sangar Qader Shekhmohammad Haji الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 88 118 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.4 The Role of Rafiq Chalak in The Development of Kurdish Theater <p>Every nation has its own genre of theater. The Kurdish nation emerged in the early twentieth century. The content of theatrical texts and plays stem from the lives of individuals in Kurdish society. The title of the research is: (The role of Rafiq Chalak in the development of Kurdish theater), through which we have been able to discuss the efforts and experiences of Rafiq Chalak in the field of writing theatrical texts and playing roles in plays. Rafiq Chalak was not only a good writer of plays, but also an experienced translator. He was able to translate several plays into Kurdish and directed several plays.</p> Shamal Aziz Hamad amin Raswl Kaify Ahmad Abdulqader الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 119 156 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.5 Debate analysis according to the speech acts theory <p>People don’t just to express their intentions only produce speeches, but through these statements, but also perform actions through them,</p> <p>That’s there are many hidden meanings in the explicit meaning of each sentence (news, question, command, surprise).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; One of the pragmatic theories, presented by Austin in the 1960s, can be pragmatically analysis for different meanings. Return to the surroundings of the speech, language is not only used for news and questioning, but also for some other purposes to enter the subject.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The analysis of the debate, according to the theory of the speeches, will have some good results, because both Debater, along with the statements they make, have many hidden purposes, can be examined in detail.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Babarasul Nori Rasul Muhsin Ali Husein الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 157 185 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.6 Adaptation and the legal basis for the civil liability of car showroom owners <p>Car showrooms are the places where cars are bought and sold, and these works are carried out by the showroom owners and their employees, and their work may be diverse, such as receiving and displaying cars and working as a mediator for the conclusion of sales and purchase contracts, where the procedures and responsibility differ in them.</p> <p>The damage may occur while the car is in the showroom or a breach of the terms of the contracts in which it is concluded, whether the damage was caused by the owners of the showroom themselves or by its employees, and for that reason, the aim of this study was embodied in stating the legal adaptation of this responsibility in the light of the general rules of civil liability. In the Iraqi civil law and comparative laws such as the Egyptian civil law and the Jordanian civil law, as well as through the Iraqi law of significance and commercial laws for comparative laws, as well as determining the legal basis for this liability. To contain these topics, we divided the study into two sections. In the first section, we dealt with the legal conditioning of the liability of exhibition owners in two stages, the stage before and during the sale of cars, and the stage of establishing his responsibility for the work and actions of the exhibition workers.</p> <p>In the second topic, we tried to determine the legal basis for this responsibility in both the pre-sale and during the sale phase, and concerning the work and actions of the two workers in it as well, and we concluded the study with our conclusions and recommendations.</p> Tahsin Hamad Smael Abdullah Khairi Azeez الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 186 219 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.7 Substitution & Ellipsis in Kurdish language <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This study which is entitled “Substitution<em> and ellipsis in Kurdish Language</em>” is devoted to the study and highlighting of the processes of substitution and ellipsis in Kurdish language, according to the principles of Haliday and Ruqia Hassan’s systematic functional linguistics, which is one of the theoretical branches of functional linguistics that has meaning (semantics) and function as its base. When the speaker/writer expresses a concept in the form of a series of sentences, he\she seeks to achieve a unified text; a text whose beginning is connected to the end. This can’t be achieved unless there is a complete connection between the component parts of the text. The tools that play a role in creating connection between sentences are called cohesive devices, which consist of a number of lexical and grammatical tools between the component parts of the text and these devices distinguish the text from a number of meaningless sentences. Within this theory, the grammatical devices are divided into four parts, they are: reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. The scope of this research focuses on both the processes of substitution, ellipsis in Kurdish language.</p> Shadan Hama amin Mohammad Sherwan Husen Hamad الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 220 249 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.8 U.S relations with the Peshmerga forces in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant <p>Iraqi Kurdistan Region has a significant position politically and geostrategic ally in the U.S. military strategy. This equation emerged at the political and security levels after 2014 in the Middle East. &nbsp;Due to the anti-terror war, the security field has become the core of the U.S. and Iraqi Kurdistan relations. Especially when the United States relied on regional and local partners and proxies and the support for security and military strategies in Iraq and the Middle East. For instance, the threat of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to the U.S. strategic interests strengthened the relationship between the United States and the Iraqi Kurdistan region military forces known as Peshmarga. It was an effective force in defeating ISS and eliminating the danger and threat of IS</p> Aram Nasih Obed Shamal Hussain Mustaffa الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 250 278 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.9 Attitude of Al- Al bayt in supporting and praising the Rashidin Caliphs <p>This research the "Attitude of Al- Al bayt in supporting and praising the Rashidin Caliphs" deals with love and praising relationships of the Al-Albayt to the Rashidin Caliphs along with emphasising that the importance of the conducts and behaviours of the rightly&nbsp; gnided Caliphs wich are duties and orders addressed to all muslims,In addition to all these points it is not necessary to talk about the cases and problems existed a many people, rather it is necessary to deal with their right behaviours&nbsp; All these principles were familiar to All- Albayt who completely understood ,followed and applied them practically in their attitudes, unfortunately and after the death of the prophet (peace be upon him) many problems came an the of electing a Caliph as the majority of the followers of Al-Asunna and Jama'at consider Abubakr Assiddiq to be the first of the Muslims Caliphs,But the mejority of the shiite people consider Ali Bin Abi Talib and All-Albayt to be the inheritance of the prophet(peace be upon him), All the All-Albayt members collectively agree that Abubaker Assiddiq and Omer Ibn Alkhattab and Otoman Ibn Affan were worthy to take the Caliphate,Here the Al -Albayt did not pay attention the objections criticisms and abuse against the Rashidin Caliphs and refused them, Moreover the Al-Albayt were the first who defended the Rashidin caliphs because these Caliphs were among the best of the prophets (peace be upon him) as those were guided by Allah and ordered people to pursue them and keep their righteous conduct and acts,The Al-Albayt had an important role during the times of all the three Rashidin Caliphs regarding administration case consulting and judiciary in addition to having closed relations be cause of marriage affairs among A-Albayt and the Rashidin Caliphs,Al-Albayt named their children after the names of Rashidin Caliphs.</p> Ahmed Mirza Mirza Sadraldin Mustafa Qader الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 279 305 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.10 The Music Homophony in Kurdish Composed Songs <p>It is a qualitative study, based on descriptive and analytical method. The homophonic process is discussed to work on matching the melody in the construction of Kurdish songs in southern Kurdistan. The process includes two elements, melody and&nbsp;&nbsp; musical accompaniment. In this study, a musical analysis is conducted for the units and components of the research sample, and then the results are presented. During this study many models of previously popular usage methods are discussed, besides revealing many new techniques to enrich this process in Kurdish music, as recommendations by the researchers to stakeholders.</p> Sarmand Fuad Mohammed Muhammad Azeez zaza Dlawer Mustafa Muhammad الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 306 337 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.11 Ruling on transgender in Islamic jurisprudence and Iraqi law <p>The progress of modern science and technological development in the present era has helped humanity greatly, and society has become in progress and development, but this progress and development is a double-edged sword, and as a result of this development a phenomenon has emerged that began recently, which is the problem of sex change, sex conversion is a strange phenomenon, and scientific development and modern medical progress have helped to facilitate the process of transsexualization, and helped to change sex in surgeries and spread this phenomenon in the world and Islamic countries.&nbsp; This research sheds light on the concept and problem of gender transforms, and jurists have addressed the statement of the position of Islamic law on this process, as well as sheds light on the legal position towards the process of transsexuality, by highlighting the sayings of Islamic jurists, and analyzing the sayings and answering them, as well as the statement of the position of Iraqi law towards this issue.</p> Karzan Faqi Khalil Kareem الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 338 366 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.12 Women´S Role in Kurdish and Iraqi Political Parts In 1958 Till 1975 <p>After the success of (14<sup>th</sup> July 1958) in Iraq, women in southern Kurdistan, in communist party and PDK organizations they effectively started their political and popularity activities, The organizations of these two parties included the greatest part of these women which they worked in 1958-1975, and they could have seen an important role in the big parts, in performing political work and they also could mix with the people of these two&nbsp; parts, after the changes of 1962 so they secretly their political efforts in communist party and PDK continued till 1975.</p> Mahdi Muhammad Qadir Parzhin Jaafar Rostam الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 367 396 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.13 The Reflection of Government Policy on Kurdish Journalism in Iraq (1969-1979) <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>This study deals with the history of the Kurdish press in Iraq during the years 1968-1979. The main purpose of it is to present the information, numbers, opinions and comments published by the Kurdish press regarding the policies of Arabization, displacement, executions and genocide pursued by the Baath Party government in Iraq towards the Kurds. The study also deals with the Kurdish underground press as an important source for studying the history of the Kurdish liberation movement in general and the position of the Iraqi government towards it.&nbsp; As well as highlighting the follow-up of the Kurdish secret press to what was published in the foreign press, and the memorandum of the United Nations and the Human Rights Organization on the policy of the Iraqi government towards the Kurdish people, and these follow-ups were published in a special corner in the Kurdish secret newspapers</p> Arazu Yousf Hassan Azad Ubed Salih الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 397 418 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.14 The Emergence of Environmental Sociology, Its Schools and Theories <p>This research focuses on environmental issues, their importance and their relationship to the lives of individuals and society, as well as shedding light on the most prominent theories of environmental sociology، and also interested in the history of the inception of scientific activities in environmental sociology. It also studies trends, schools, and the most famous pioneers who worked in the field of environmental sociology. The main objective of this research is to present the most prominent shortcomings and challenges facing environmental sociology in the Kurdistan Region and to provide appropriate solutions to address them. And at the end of the study, the most important results reached by the research and the recommendations are presented.</p> Sherko Sardar Hussain Hawrami Abdullah Khorsheed الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 419 448 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.15 New Strategies and Approaches for Public Relations in Public Institutions <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This paper entitled (New Strategies and Approaches for Public Relations in Public Institutions) it is theoretical research discusses the functions and objectives of public relations in public institutions. Thus, the nature of public relations has led to major changes in all international, regional, and local newspapers; This affects the processes of relations in general but reflects on all the environments of human life. So, if the nature and functions of relationships are positive or negative, its influence on changing relations, positively or negatively, and in its introduction to the media, to translate them into reality.</p> <p>Therefore, the role of public relations at all stages is a sensitive task; all direct and indirect errors affect them; character in the field of public relations; which diagnoses weaknesses and defects and determines treatment tools in a scientific manner; For this purpose, a minute picture of the study of public relations in public institutions through the academic authority.</p> <p>The aim of this research is to provide strategic knowledge and action on the duties and objectives of public relations in the public sector, alongside knowledge of the styles and tools followed in communications; Please know the tools used in your contacts.</p> <p>One of the most important results achieved by the researcher in his research is to strengthen relations between institutions and the public, and also the existence of a strong strategy in public institutions that helps to strengthen the relationship between the institution and the public, and must create new opinions and trends in public institutions through the use of new methods and tools in order to work and achieve the main goals.</p> <p>The method of research is a theoretical method, so the researcher used this method because it fits with the nature of the subject, and through this method, analyzing the subjects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Awaz Hassan Ismail Lana Sabir Saeed Azad Ahmad Mahmood الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 449 475 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.16 Performance methods of Lawk and Hayranok <p>This research talks about one of the kurdish folklore song forms, called Lawk. Lawk is a kind of free-rhythmic Kurdish folklore song that the length of its voices depends on the need of the words and the wish of the singer. This research shows the definition and dialect of Lawk and describes the geographical location of it and how the performance of this type of folklore song is performed. it explains the types of Lawk as a content, scale and intervals. This research shows the specialties of Lawk and distinguishes it from other Kurdish song forms. Lawk is a great national wealth that historically tells many stories and historical stories to us and a type of song that is special to the Kurdish nation.</p> Zana Jabali Mamand Nasser Hashim Badan Nareman Abdullah Kareem الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 476 520 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.17 speech Act in Theatrical Discourse <p>The speech act theory is considered one of the most important topics of research in linguistics. It can be defined as the idea that contains the meaning of the words, which are used outside of language. Language is a mean of performing various functions, called speech acts. Speech act theory proposes that the meaning of what we utter is influenced by the type of speech, the structure of the discourse, and the context in which it is used. This theory originated by John Austen, it explains, how speech can create an action or consequence. The theory is part of the field of pragmatics, which is the study of how language is used in a social context. A speech act is any utterance that serves a function in communication. For example, speech can be used to make statements, ask questions, plead, describe, or persuade, etc.. Within the act of speaking, words are used to do something, not just utter something.</p> Kalthum Khalid Ahmed Azad Ahmad Mahmood الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 521 551 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.18 The importance of the media in the field of education <p>The media plays a positive role in the education process. Education through the media is related to preparing the media worker to conduct the education process.This requires coordination of society's values ​​and goals and effective participation between journalists and educators in order to meet the needs of individuals, because various media play a role in the socialization process, because they disseminate information and adapt ideas in all areas They raise their values ​​and beliefs and adapt them to new situations according to their students' desires.Media and education are two&nbsp; pillars.The state must plan for them to be successive demonstrators, play an active role in society, and properly guide them in social behaviors that are acceptable, especially those that are acceptable and useful to our society See the close relationships he has with individuals in society.There is no doubt that the media is an important tool of communication, with the aim of conveying information and ideas through various means to facilitate the public, in order to influence and direct them or serve them on a particular subject educational television is one of the media in the Kurdistan Region, which is supervised by the Ministry of Education.Educational television may originate within the educational institutions themselves, so it is run by a private administration.</p> Ashna Shawkat Hadi Azad Ramazan Ali الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 552 582 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.19 Mapping of Samarqand in Abbasid period. (132 _656 /749 _1258) <p>The art of construction has and old history, in all the old civilizations this side has been put as a clear point in the level of reconstruction and in the areas, it is mentioned that Samarkand city is like an old and populated city that historians return to the era of (Zulkarnain and Alexander of Macedonia) since then they have talked about the reconstruction of fortress and houses in this city. In the Abassid Era the reconstruction was still visible, so it seems that all different buildings and institutions that existed in the areas were seen in Samarkand too and this was recorded for us by wanderers and historians.</p> Halala Ismael Rahman Omid Ibrahim الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 583 607 The Reality of the Public transport sector in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq <p>Transportation played an important role in our daily lives, transporting people throughout cities, accessing work, educational, health and service institutions, and social activities. It is the basic pillar that affects and is affected by the process of social and economic development. The field of service projects and contributes to reducing the costs of products and services. Mobility is a necessary need for the individual to meet the requirements of life through the transportation system. Official institutions and governments are responsible for securing transportation services with high quality and organizing this sector. The study aims to determine the percentage of public transport consumers, the percentage and quality of means of transportation in the public transport sector compared to the percentage of the population of the regions, and to determine the quality of public transport services. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that urban mobility in the Kurdistan Region is not as required, and public transport services were not positive despite this, and the number of means of transport causing environmental pollution and traffic accidents increases. This research consists of three chapters, the first chapter includes the general framework of the research that It contains the research problem, the importance and objectives of the research, while the second chapter explains the reality of public transportation in the Kurdistan Region, and the third chapter includes official data on public transportation in the region.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Saleem Patros Elias Nabaz Azeez Ahmed الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 608 638 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.21 The Shari ’a Rooting of the Prevailing Customs in the Kurdish Society Marriage as a Model <p>The rooting of Islamic laws as a systemic concept is intended to identify the Shari ‘a principles that the religious scholars and experts have come up with in their judgements; and to investigate the origin of jurisprudence on which the factual judgement is based in the Islamic juristic heritage or to judge on the emerging issues. For this, it depends on the legitimate foundations consisting of the origins and general principles and provisions of Shari ‘a law, along with juristic branches. As it is clear, customs and traditions are one of the principles of judgements and juristic evidences, in a way that these customs and traditions are considered as an intellectual legislative source depending on diligence and intellect.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Moreover, Islam religion has paid great attention to family as it is reflected in the Shari ‘a provisions mentioned in the holy book of Quran, Sunnah and other sources. Furthermore, the customs and traditions have played a significant role in the family establishment and formation. In this study, we wanted to focus on marriage and the impact of the customs and traditions in implementing this contract pursuant to the Islamic Law; as these customs are common in Kurdish society along with the economic conditions that have also played a major role in this regard.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In view of this in the present time, based on the changes in the customs and traditions which is intended to regulate the general life affairs and achieve the interests of the people in addition to taking into account the purposes of Shari ’a law, especially the purposes of marriage.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dilan Mshir Ebrahim Othman Khudhur Hamadamin الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 639 664 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.22 The Effect of mobile journalism on media practice in the Kurdistan region-Iraq <p>This research aims to know the Effect played by mobile journalism in media practice in the Kurdistan region - Iraq. In this research, the descriptive approach is applied in the manner of a field survey on a non-random, intentional sample of media professionals whose size is (100) media professionals in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq, based on a questionnaire form, in order to access accurate data and information related to the questions and objectives of the research. In this research, the researcher reached a set of results, the most important of which are: that a high percentage of media professionals in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq use a mobile phone, and they rely primarily on an iPhone-type device to collect news and information from media sources. The research sample also uses a mobile phone for media coverage of still images and news, and they care, follow and trust the mobile phone permanently in their media work. Finally, the respondents' attitudes about the mobile phone and their implications for media performance, which contributed to the convergence and integration of the media.</p> Rebar Goran Mustafa الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 665 684 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.23 The impact of financial capital in regards of bank liquidity risk constraints and its reflection on lending decisions <p>The Research aims to show that banks have great potential to transfer and move money between different sectors in a way that can develop these sectors and promote their growth, which prompted some governments to pay special attention to banking by supporting it with rules that ensure the flow of work in it as well as the development of individual confidence in it. The study of the importance of banks was not only focused on governments, but a significant number of researchers worked on knowing the direct and indirect effects of various banking activities on the economy. While a number of other researchers turned to study the impact of different policies and strategies adopted by banks on the performance of that bank This is very important because we cannot establish a thriving banking sector without having thriving banks, and establishing their policies and strategies on basic principles, which will inevitably reflect on its various performance indicators. The study concluded that the adequacy of bank capital affects the degree of bank security, as there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between them. ,Therefore, through the findings, the researcher suggested the need to use financial safety measures, which is one of the most important indicators to identify credit risks and interest rates, and the need to provide a unified and effective risk management framework in all banks be exposed to it.</p> Rizgar Ali Ahmed Shler Sharif Qadir الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 685 723 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.24 In Kind Solutions in The Mortgage <p>In modern jurisprudence, solutions in kind are considered as a technical means by which rights can be protected from loss, by replacing one thing with another thing as a substitute for it. However, the natural scope of the work of this idea appears clearly in real rights, especially the ancillary real rights, such as the mortgage of both types, insurance, possession, and privilege rights.</p> <p>And since the effect of real subrogation and its applications are clearer and more effective in the mortgage system and not in other forms of insurance, because the guarantees provided by the mortgage to the mortgagee are limited to guaranteeing non-fulfillment in the event of the debtor’s insolvency, and do not exceed other risks that the mortgagee will face, in all cases in which he exits. The thing pledged is from the responsibility of the mortgagor, and the pledgee was unable to track it, and as a result, he puts his right to the cessation of its place, and all of this necessitated the interference of another guarantee as a precautionary means to supplement this shortcoming.</p> Latif Perot Ali Sangar Ali Rasool الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 724 765 The Extent of the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Associations' Role in the Iraqi Consumer Protection Law No. 1 of 2010 <p>The tremendous and rapid development in consumer life and its complexity has necessitated the provision of more effective protection than before, which has made the legislations to be interested in consumer protection associations to keep pace with this development through take their ability to confront and address what harms the consumer and his rights into consideration, and they play their role in framework Legislations allowed towards it. This research is an attempt to ascertain the quantity of effectiveness of consumer protection associations’ role in the Iraqi Consumer Protection Law No. 1 of 2010 compared to the Lebanese, Yemeni, and Egyptian laws via two main topics. The first topic introduces consumer protection associations and their role in consumer protection. Moreover, the second topic deals with the role of consumer protection associations in the Iraqi Consumer Protection Law No. 1 of 2010.Finally, the research has concluded with the most important results and recommendations in a way that consumer protection associations in the previous mentioned law have a small role that lacks effectiveness.</p> Rawa Kakarash Said Mina الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 766 793 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.26 The extent of the commitment of Islamic banks in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to the internal Sharia audit controls and their impact on enhancing the auditors’ confidence in accounting information <p>Islamic banks and the audit and oversight of their financial operations are considered a very important topic, especially in today’s day, due to the large number of financial operations that violate the Shariah of Islam in this field.</p> <p>&nbsp;For this purpose, this study focused on showing the extent of commitment of Islamic banks in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to the internal Sharia audit controls and their impact on enhancing the confidence of auditors in accounting information. The questionnaire was used to obtain study data and analyze it using the statistical program (SPSS), and to achieve the research objectives The (One-Sample t-test), arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and alpha-Cro-Nbach coefficient were applied. The results of the study showed, through statistical analyzes of the axes of the questionnaire, that Islamic banks in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq / Erbil adhere to the internal Sharia audit controls established by the Supervisory Board The legality of the Islamic Banks Control Department in the Central Bank, and the study also concluded that the commitment of Islamic banks to the internal Sharia audit controls have a positive and effective impact on enhancing the confidence of auditors in accounting information.</p> Malik Mohammed Tawfeeq Fadhil الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 794 823 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.27 Methods of presenting the women’s character in Tahseen Garmiani’s novels <p>This research, titled (Methods of presenting the women’s character), three novels of novelist have been chosen for his subject, the novel of (Layayly Al mansia) and ( Qifil Qalbi) and Al Husin Al wasim) in the first topic the meaning of character, especially display the character of women and reveal many concepts of this character in the term of&nbsp; nature, psychology, society and mental, then talks about the briefness of each of the three novels. In the second topic talks about methods of presenting woman’s personality through: narration by the narrator, or by characters in the novel, which are a number of voices to narrate between the objective narration and being narrated outside the novel, or sometime leaves responsibility for the reader to reach to the conclusion through the narrative events, or self-narrative which the character is one of the characters of the novel and presenting himself by himself through possessive pronounces, or by praising the external and internal features of the character, or it takes place through the dialogue among the characters of the novel, it &nbsp;becomes a way to express their internal potentials without intervention of the writer</p> Shilana Faqi Qadir Latif Muhammad Hassan الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 824 846 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.28 The role of Saeed Nursi in service to Islamic sciences <p>Sheikh Saeed Nursi dedicated all his life to creating a project called saving the faith of the believer and the servant of the Qur'an, and in this project, he still changed the imitation faith which remains behind means a firm faith, for a true and living faith, and he give a great importance to the resurrection of the religious science and the faith. Which was near death and destruction, in the Arab and Islamic world in general and especially the Ottoman empire was in a state of weakness and defeat, as they said they were under the cultural power of Europe and the invaders, because of the feeling of all sheikh Saeed Nursi, who defended faith and rescuted Islam. He started calling for all Muslims to join the faith and science, and he also called for the construction and foundation of some institutions A way to study and Islamic science such as creating schools and universities, and by taking courses and instructing them, starting writing books, newspapers, and any place that is needed and encouraging Muslims and believers to learn the science of war in a modern, new and practical way. And with that, he faced protests, expulsion, arrests, and suffering by The Enemies of Islam, which at that time most of the Islamic shia were banned, and there was a big plan for Islam and Muslims. And happily, Saeed Nursi succeeded and reached the top of the call and his message. And this is because of this belief in self-determination, patience, cleanliness, and neutrality, without any financial and worldly material. As a result, he was able to reach out to the Islamic world and the islamic science in all fields, by spreading beliefs and science in all areas of Turkey, and by providing many scholars and readers from inside and outside The Islamic Republic to serve the holy Religion of Islam</p> Rekawt Salih Mohammed Adnan Abdul Qader Kamil الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 847 867 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.29 Modernization of the Postal Monopoly Authority in Iraqi legislation <p>Our contemporary world is experiencing rapid development and transformation in all Areas of Scientific and practical Life, so Chang has become one of the most prominent features of the recent epoch, and in light of these changes, and in front of this new situation, Government institutions have become obligated to search for modern ways and entrances that enable them to adapt to these rapid changes.</p> <p>And since the Iraqi post Law No. 97 of 1973 is no longer in line with developments in the Field of the postal sector, the issue of its adaptation has become an imperative necessity to keep pace with various technological developments in this Area.</p> <p>The proposal presented by this research can be considered a form of institutional development in the legislative aspect, which is to highlight and discuss a set of legal texts or procedural and regulatory regulations for the rules of government services that contribute to the postal development process.</p> <p>Perhaps the Iraqi legislator will adopt it as a proposal to amend the Iraqi postal Law No. 97 of 1973 to become a modern Law that keeps pace with global changes in the management and control of the postal monopoly authority in the government sector by issuing a new law to become a turning point under which the postal development of a legal system applied in order to establish an institution in charge of the postal network and all its activities, which we called the council of the postal control authority.</p> Azad Saleh Abdullah الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 868 897 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.30 Correcting Constitutional Provisions Through the Principle of Reversal <p>There is no doubt that the constitutional courts may fall into negligence or error when issuing rulings at times, and this indicates that the rulings issued in the constitutional judiciary may not be correct and correct in all cases, and despite this fact, most constitutions, including the permanent Iraqi constitution of (2005) stipulates that: “The rulings of the Federal Supreme Court shall be final and binding on all public authorities and are not subject to appeal in any manner of appeal.” To think of devising a self-correction method for correcting the constitutional provisions tainted by error or omission that it issued itself previously, by resorting to working on the principle of reversing its previous rulings, so that the court issues a new judicial decision or ruling that contains an explicit and clear change to a legal principle that the court had decided on its own in A previous decision related to the subject matter of the case itself and the same circumstances and circumstances that surrounded it without it amending the constitutional and legal rules that were the basis for issuing the ruling. It may be very difficult to apply this principle as it contradicts in Most cases are with legal security or collide with it, and this leads to creating a problematic balance between the stability and stability of the provisions of the constitutional courts and the possibility of applying the principle of abandoning them. Therefore, we will try, in the core of this study, to clarify all these problems facing the constitutional courts in the comparative countries and to clarify the problems facing them. The Federal Court when applying this principle, and this is reinforced by judicial applications at our constitutional court in Iraq</p> Peshawa Khidher Rasul Ibrahim Mohammed Haje الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 898 930 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.31 The Effect of Mandatory Adoption Pressures of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS) on Irregular Auditing Practices <p>The research aims to determine the effect of mandatory&nbsp; (IFRS/IAS) standards adoption pressures on irregular auditing practices, considering that these standards impose multiple pressures on External Auditors working in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region when dealing with them and obligating them to adopt, through the research problem, which indicates that obligating economic units in the region to adopt (IFRS/IAS) standards in the absence of requirements for their application results in great pressures on the auditing profession, This leads to the External Auditors being subjected to Audit time pressures and Audit Fees pressures, which may lead the External Auditors to Engaging in irregular auditing practices. In order to reach this goal, the opinions of a sample of academic accountants (university lecturers) and professionals (external auditors) in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region were surveyed, who numbered (168) individuals, questionnaire forms were distributed, and the results were analyzed using The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program.</p> <p>The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that obligating economic units to adopt (IFRS/IAS) standards when the requirements for adopting these standards are not available creates pressures on the work of External Auditors, especially Audit time pressures and audit fees pressures and makes them engage in irregular auditing practices in response to those the pressures they are exposed to.</p> <p>The research suggested working to enhance the reputation of the auditing profession in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, as it is the guarantor of the quality of financial reports issued by economic units, by imposing penalties and fines on all External auditors who are proven to practice dysfunctional behaviors and irregular practices, and do not abide by the ethics of the profession and they deviate from proper professional conduct and performance when performing audit assignments.</p> Salwan Neamat Hanna Serwan Kareem Essa الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 931 963 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.32 Agreements Between the Ayyubid state and the Zaidi sect In Yemen (569 – 626 AH/1173 – 1229AD) <p>The research shows the friendly relations of the Ayyubid state with the Zaidi sect in Yemen during the era of the presence of the Ayyubids in it, and shows their friendly relations during fifty-seven years. Notables and supervision in the Zaidi sect, but they joined the Ayyubids, and among the Kurdish leaders who were from the Ayyubid army, but they joined the Zaidi imam, then the research sheds light on the peaceful agreements that took place between the Ayyubid state and the Zaidi sect, explaining the contents of each of them, and in the end the research explains the position of the Ayyubid state on the doctrine Al-Zaidi throughout the period of the presence of the Ayyubids in Yemen.</p> Hemin Rashid Khorsheed Arsn Musa Rashid الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 964 985 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.33 Internet Gaming Disorder and its Relationship to Subjective Well-being among University Students <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research aimed to identify the correlation and level of prediction between Internet gaming disorder and subjective well-being among university students, as well as reveal the extent of Internet gaming disorder among university students. And to identify the levels of Internet gaming disorder and subjective well-being, as well as to know the different levels of the study variables according to gender and academic specialization. The primary research sample consisted of (450) male and female students from public universities in Erbil Governorate, who were chosen in a non-random, purposive manner, and the study relied on the correlational descriptive method. The results showed that internet gaming disorder was present at a rate of (9.55%) among the sample. It generally appears at a low level with statistical significance. With statistically significant differences in the level of internet gaming disorder according to the gender variable, and it was in favor of males, without significant differences according to the academic specialization variable. The results also indicated that the respondents reported a low level of subjective well-being and no statistically significant differences in subjective well-being according to the variables of gender and academic specialization. The results showed a negative correlation between Internet gaming disorder and subjective well-being. Thus, the higher the level of internet gaming disorder among the sample, the less they had feelings of subjective well-being at a rate of (3.4%). Based on these results, the researchers presented some recommendations and suggestions.</p> Abdulfatah Hasan Fatah Ronank Hameed Othman الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 986 1018 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.34 The phenomenon of the synthetic inversion and its impact on the semantic expansion in the Hadith <p>The phenomenon of the synthetic inversion and its impact on the semantic expansion in the Hadith</p> <p>The speech can not be eloquent unless it is clear and understood by the interlocutor without ambiguity of the concept because of the non-observance of the foundations on which the basis of these words from the structures of words and verbal grammar and grammatical rules. The speech systems must be carefully observed, so that we can get benefit from the process of verbal. This is not easy because it is a complex procedure, different from one creator to another depending on its ability to perform, its rhetoric in expression, its keenness on understanding, and the purposes for which it was created.</p> <p>There is a strange phenomenon observed in eloquent speech, in grammatical and rhetorical structures, and the construction of morphological and vocal words, recorded by the scholars of the grammarians and linguists , and they referred to it as "the inversion of speech" or "inverted speech." It is defined as a shift between the letters, occurs between the location of the two words in the sentence, in terms of function and expression. This phenomenon is not included in the introduction and delay in word combinations; because in presenting syntactic elements and delaying them in speech, the grammatical element retains its function, leaving only its position and rank to replace the position of another element and takes its rank, but in the inversion there is an exchange between the functions of the two elements, For example - the function of the news, and the effect of the function of the actor and so on, and this is strange in the distribution of grammatical functions in the composition.</p> <p>This research monitors the inversion phenomenon in the Hadith and guidance in its composition, analysis and explanation and.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Amir Rafiq Awlla Almasifi الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1019 1049 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.35 The prevailing administrative patterns among the managers of the central administration and their relationship with the level of delegation of authority to them from the point of view of employees of the Erbil General Directorate of Education <p>This research aimed to identify the most prevailing administrative patterns among the managers of the central administration from the point of view of the employees of the Erbil General Education Directorate. It defines the level of delegation of authority among the managers of the central administration from the point of view of its employees. It defines the nature of the relationship between administrative styles and the level of delegation of authority. According to the study factors, we know how respondents to the administrative patterns questionnaire and the delegation of authority questionnaire differed in their responses. (level of education, number of years in the field). A total of 340 male and female employees were included in the study, representing 29.79 percent of the total population. The study relied on an analytical descriptive strategy and made use of a researcher-created questionnaire on administrative patterns and a researcher-created questionnaire on delegation of power. The study's findings are as follows: The first pattern, (dictatorial administration), was the most common among central administration managers in the Directorate of Public Education of Erbil, with a relative weight of (72.32%), followed by the second pattern, (autocratic administration), with a relative weight of (60.05%). According to the responses of the staff at the Directorate of Public Education in Erbil, the degree of delegation of power among the directors of the central administration is moderate, with a relative weight of (55.29%). There are statistically significant differences in favour of those with an educational qualification (diploma or above) between the mean scores of the answers to the questionnaire of administrative patterns from the study sample according to the educational qualification variable. Those with more experience, namely those with experience between eleven and fifteen years, tend to have higher mean scores on the delegation of authority questionnaire than those with less experience. Research sample answers to a questionnaire on delegation of authority show statistically significant differences in favour of respondents with scientific credentials (diploma or above) based on the educational qualification variable.</p> Baker Kareem Hasan Shahzad Ramadan Hasan الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1050 1080 The Diplomatic Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in Strengthening Contemporary International Relations <p>Our choice is due to the study of the diplomatic role of the Non-Aligned Movement in strengthening contemporary international relations, with the aim of revealing the effects and transformations in the contemporary international system that resulted from the repercussions of this movement, which raised in its content a lot of discussion and controversy, starting from definition, origin and development, And going through defining the dimensions of this movement, its manifestations, and the nature of the driving forces for it in international relations, and finally getting acquainted with its diplomatic and political role.</p> <p>In light of the five principles of the Bandung Conference in (1955 AD), which are: peaceful coexistence, mutual respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of member states, non-interference in internal affairs, and non-aggression between states, equality and mutual interests, the movement had a prominent role in resolving and settling conflicts between states and mitigating Therefore, it was dependent on the principles that aim at peaceful coexistence and avoiding wars and conflicts that arise between states by following a policy of positive neutrality and rejecting the policy of bases, alliances and military blocs. It actively sought, through effective diplomacy, to confront the challenges and crises facing the countries of the world through good management of differences and the adoption of the principle of dialogue in finding sustainable solutions.</p> <p>In light of the great challenges that this movement faced under the new world order, and in a global system full of tensions, turmoil and crises, and international interactions that may warn of the outbreak of confrontations and wars if they are not properly managed.Here, the philosophy of the Non-Aligned Movement is evident, and through the principles it relies on, to play an important global role and through its effective diplomacy, through which it is keen to devote international efforts to work to consolidate international peace and security. It constitutes a platform for active joint diplomatic action that enhances relations and collective security, and works to establish world peace and mitigate international conflicts. Therefore, the movement is called upon to respond to current and emerging challenges in the future.</p> Younis Talat AL-Dabbagh الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1081 1112 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.37 Attitudinal Analysis of Business Executive’s Public Speeches in English and Central Kurdish <p>This research compares business communication in English and Central-Kurdish from the perspective of the Attitudinal mode in Interpersonal language meta-function. Researchers use content analysis, a descriptive and qualitative method, to examine public speeches given by business executives. This research tool is a qualitative exploratory analysis of English and Central-Kurdish business executives' public statements. The following are the questions that are addressed in the paper: What is the dominant attitudinal mood type among the business executives in English and Central-Kurdish? How does the selection of the attitudinal mood by business executives in English and Central-Kurdish impact the interpersonal meta-function? and lastly, what are the frequency of Polarities of Attitudinal choices in the public speeches of business executives? The findings show the information about the distribution of the results in regard to the <em>attitude</em> types, the use and selection of the attitudinal subcategories and the frequencies of each attitudinal mode in business executive’s public speeches in English and Central-Kurdish quantitatively. The results of the study shows that the most selected choice of <em>attitude</em> is<em> affect </em>in English, Whereas in Central-Kurdish <em>Judgment </em>is predominantly selected, besides the use of the <em>attitudinal</em> subcategories significantly affect the interpersonal meaning through which the speaker expresses his attitude, and influencing friendship and intimacy with the audience. The prominent attitudinal polarity is positive in the English language. Conversely, in Central-Kurdish negative polarity is mostly used by the Central-Kurdish business executive.</p> Hawsar A. Shekhani Daban Q. Jaff الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1113 1129 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.38 Improving EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill through Short Stories <p>This descriptive analytical research, which adopted a mixed-method approach (qualitative and quantitative), was conducted to investigate teaching EFL students’ reading comprehension skill through short stories. The problems that most learners face in reading comprehension in terms of ambiguous words cause them not to understand the text, and the way a text is selected has an influence on the learners’ ability to achieve a better reading skill. &nbsp;The purpose of the study is to investigate the use of short stories of EFL students of English department at Soran University, to find out how the use of short stories improves EFL students’ reading comprehension skill. The importance of the study can be beneficial to Kurdish EFL University students, instructors, Kurdish EFL lecturers and syllabus designers.</p> <p>The researcher has used three research questions with two mixed tools for data collection: one is a qualitative tool (Teacher interview) and quantitative tool; the sample of the study was selected from Soran University, Faculty of Arts, English department. The researcher has used (19) questionnaire items with students and interview questions with university instructors as two research tools by using SPSS to analyze data. The findings of the study resulted that short stories were worthy to improve students’ reading comprehensions and teaching short stories is an active and practical way.</p> Ghareeb Karam Mustafa Hoshang F. Jawad الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1130 1165 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.39 The impact of the Administrative inventive on the effectiveness of organizational performance <p>This research investigates on the degree of availability of the components of administrative inventive, as well as to identify the ability of Small and Medium Size (SME) enterprises in the Erbil city to achieve effectiveness of organizational performance, and to identify the reality of the relationship to the components of administrative inventive represented here, innovation and intellectual fluency, flexibility, problem solving, and responsiveness to achieve advantage. Competitiveness, and to identify the extent of the change in the dependent variable effectiveness of organizational performance because of the change in the components of administrative inventive, and this was tested through the research hypotheses, and the research tool was prepared, and distributed to the sample consisting of (20) Small and Medium Size (SME) enterprises in Erbil.</p> <p>The research concluded with a set of results, the most important of which is the high level of administrative inventive the field of achieving effectiveness of organizational performance obtained a high percentage, and it was also found that there was a direct relationship between the components of administrative inventive and the achievement of effectiveness of organizational performance. Statistical significance in the responses of the sample members about attributable to gender, job title, age, and field, while there are differences according to the years of service.</p> Farman Tahseen Aziz الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1166 1190 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.40 The Contribution of Linguistics to Translator Education at Iraqi Universities <p>The present survey investigates the contribution rate of linguistics in the process of translator education at Iraqi universities. Here, those linguistic aspects are studied which Iraqi translation teachers have relied on to teach translation to undergraduate students and educate them to become competent translators. In the course of the study, 45 Iraqi translation teachers responded to a questionnaire that had been designed for this purpose. After doing data analysis, it is revealed that teachers mainly focused on contrastive linguistics to let students develop bilingual translation competence. Besides, they taught the linguistic structures and discourse analysis of the source and target languages to students to boost their linguistic and transfer abilities. However, students` theorization and application of linguistic knowledge about translation and teachers` application of corpus linguistics for educational purposes need more attention in Iraqi undergraduate translation programs. In sum, due to the linguistic nature of translation, students need to learn, apply, and compare the linguistic knowledge about SL and TL at semantic, lexical, syntactic, pragmatic, and discursive levels.</p> Sirvan Aminzadeh Keivan Seyyedi الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1191 1214 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.41 Parametric Investigations on Laminated Composite Sandwich Plates with Honeycomb Core <p>In this study, an analytical solution of multi layered laminated composite laminate plate is presented of a new form of composite sandwich panels in two different styles; Kevlar fibers bonded with honeycomb core in mid plane, and glass fibers bonded with honeycomb core in mid plane. Classical laminated plate theory has been used for modeling the sandwich plate, Ritz method has been used for calculating the plate’s maximum bending deflections. The results have been validated by Finite Element analysis with a good. The parametric investigations include, change in material types of lamina, different layer thicknesses, and several geometric cell shapes of honeycomb core laminated has been examined. The results proved that the Convex cell honeycomb core plays a great role in absorbing the force energy as a result it reduced the plate deflection by 8% better than semi-entrant and re-entrant, and Kevlar-49 is the best among other types of Kevlar. S<sub>2</sub>-glass fiber -Sandwich plates have reduced the plate’s overall deflections by 14.73% compared to Kevlar-29 -Sandwich plates.</p> Hozan Abdul-Jabbar Othman Shiren Othman Muhammad الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1215 1246 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.42 Mechanisms of oil pricing through SOMO and its impact on Iraqi oil exports <p>This study aimed to investigate the mechanisms used by the Iraqi State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) to set prices for its oil exports and to understand the impact of these prices on the volume of Iraqi oil exports. In order to achieve these objectives, the study analyzed data on SOMO's pricing practices, market conditions, and oil export volumes over a specified period.&nbsp; The study found that the prices set by SOMO significantly affect the volume of Iraqi oil exports. Therefore, the research hypothesis was not fully proven as SOMO's pricing strategies were found to be influenced by various factors rather than a clear and consistent marketing strategy. The study provides insight into the intricate process of oil pricing in Iraq and proposes that SOMO should develop a consistent marketing strategy to promote the value of high-quality Iraqi oils in the global market. The most important proposals of the study include identifying the various pricing strategies employed by SOMO, examining the factors that influence these pricing strategies, and highlighting the significant impact of SOMO's pricing practices on the volume of Iraqi oil exports. This analysis provides insight into the intricate process of oil pricing in Iraq and the significance of SOMO's role in shaping the nation's oil exports, which could inform policy decisions related to energy policy, trade policy, and economic development.</p> Baktyar Sabir Mohammed Mohammad Shukri Mohammad Saeed Idrees Sulaiman Abdullah الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1247 1279 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.43 Child Neglect inside Families <p>This theoretical study deals with the most vital issue facing children in the modern world. It focuses on child neglect inside families and how children are affected by it. The objective of this study is to discuss the causes and consequences of the child neglect phenomenon. Methodologically, this study applied the explanatory and descriptive analytic approaches, which involve providing a description of the cause and consequences of the phenomenon. Therefore, this study uses a literature review and text analysis. This study consists of eight sections. The first section provides the introduction, study problems, and significance of this study. The second section covers the historical background of child neglect. The third section, deals with a review of the literature as well as conceptualizing child neglect, and section four covers various forms of child neglect, along with their causes and consequences. The fifth section included methodology and the study hypothesis. The study's outcomes and conclusions are covered in Section six. Section seven offers the study discussions, and the conclusion of the study is presented in Section eight. In conclusion, the socialization process has a negative relationship with child neglect, in addition, there is a correlation between the economic status of family and child physical neglect, this study also discovered that child neglect is heavily influenced by family educational background and general knowledge in daily social life.</p> Mahir Abdulwahid Aziz Bekhal Qader Sofi Mohammed الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1280 1307 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.44 A Structural Modelling Approach to The Impact of Electronic Auditing Determinants on The Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Kurdistan <p>The study aims to develop a model that can effectively capture the impact of internal electronic auditing determinants on the financial performance of Islamic banks. Specifically, the objectives were to (1) determine the effect of technological risk, organizational funding, audit infrastructure and technical expertise and ethical conduct on the financial performance of Islamic banks and (2) ascertain the validity of propositions that moderating ethical conduct moderates the interactive connections linking technological risk, organizational funding, and audit infrastructure and technical expertise with financial performance. Consequently, the study applied a structural equation modelling approach in analyzing 250 questionnaire responses collected from managers, auditors, accountants and other employees of 11 Islamic banks in Erbil Kurdistan. The results of the study revealed that organizational funding, audit infrastructure and technical expertise, and ethical conduct electronic internal auditing determinants distinctively contribute positively toward improving financial performance, but the extent of the impact differs from one internal control component to the other. It was further revealed that technological risk poses huge adverse effects on banks’ financial performance and this demands bank managers to enact effective risk management and mitigation strategies to curb the prevalence of such risks. The study concludes that it is important for bank managers to restructure the banks' internal auditing practices according to the banks’ technological risk, organizational funding, audit infrastructure and technical expertise, and ethical conduct.</p> Bayar Ali Ismael Azhy Akram Aziz Omran M.Rashid Abdulqadir Karwan Ismail Abdulrahman Sardar Jalal Braim Barzan Omar Ali Bayar Gardi الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1308 1330 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.45 The Effective Role of Talent Management Strategies in Organisational Perfomance Through Knowledge Sharing <p>This research article explores the effectiveness of talent management strategies employed by manufacturing companies in Erbil, Kurdistan in improving organisational performance. Based on the analysis of 415 human resources managers, employees, finance managers, and managing directors, a multi-stakeholder perspective was taken. Face-to-face interviews with 3 industry experts and consultants were also conducted. A skills gap, rapid technological advancements and evolving industry demands were identified as major obstacles to manufacturing companies’ effective talent acquisition, development and retention strategies. The findings highlight that talent acquisition plays a crucial role in driving organizational performance, as well as knowledge creation and collaboration. It was revealed that providing individuals with opportunities to enhance their skills and expand their knowledge leads to a myriad of positive outcomes that directly impact their collective intelligence, new knowledge creation and the group’s collaborative potential. The resultant positive effects of such outcomes on driving organizational performance and promoting sustainable growth were supported. According to the findings, knowledge sharing and collaboration’s limited mediating effects on talent management strategies and organizational performance mirror the ineffectiveness of companies' knowledge management practices. The study expands knowledge and understanding of talent management practices, challenges, and opportunities specific to this region, and offers insights into the multi-stakeholder perspective. Furthermore, the findings can inform policymakers and industry associations in developing policies and guidelines to support talent management practices in Kurdistan's manufacturing sector. As a theoretical proposition, the findings are consistent with the knowledge-based view theory, which emphasizes the importance of knowledge assets and capabilities in achieving sustainable competitive advantage</p> Karzan Qader Hamad Goran Yousif Ismael الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1331 1358 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.46 FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF SMES DURING COVID-19 AND THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ADOPTION <p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the adoption of social media by SMEs in the Kurdistan region. In addition, it also aimed to investigate the impact of social media adoption on the financial and non-financial performance of SMEs. The researcher used an integrated model for this research and analyzed the impact of trust, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness for social media adoption by SME owners using the diffusion of innovation theory. The findings of the study suggest that trust, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness have a positive and significant impact on the adoption of social media for firm performance in the Kurdistan region. Similarly, the results also show that social media adoption is crucial to the firm financial and non-financial performance in the Kurdistan region specifically due to the Covid-19 social distancing issue. The current study is limited to the Kurdistan region Erbil city only however, the future research can focus on a broader sample size. Future research can also focus on analyzing specific social media tools such as Facebook or Instagram to analyze the impact on the performance. Not many existing studies analyzed the impact of social media adoption during the pandemic while societies practice social distancing and are financially stagnated by the pandemic</p> Shirin Jamal Mohammad Rashid الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1359 1384 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.47 Navigating the Boundaries of Human Identity and Artificial Intelligence in Contemporary Literature <p>This study delves into the exploration of human identity and artificial intelligence (AI) in contemporary literature, with a focus on three prominent novels: <em>Ready Player One</em>, <em>The Circle</em> and <em>Machinehood</em>. By employing posthumanism and cyborg anthropology as theoretical frameworks, this study uncovers new insights into the increasingly blurred boundaries between biological and artificial intelligence. It investigates how these novels challenge traditional notions of human identity and consciousness while raising questions regarding the potential consequences of AI's integration into human lives. Furthermore, this study examines the ethical implications of AI's growing influence on privacy, autonomy, and the potential for AI-driven inequality. By addressing these themes and existential concerns, the study aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on AI's role in society and inform future policies and guidelines for its development and integration, ultimately ensuring the preservation of human values and well-being in a rapidly evolving technological landscape</p> Shaaban Sulaiman Sadeeq الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1385 1406 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.48 A Womanist Study in Alice Walker's Colour Purple <p>Alice Walker coined the concept of womanism as a powerful advocacy for the rights of dark-skinned women. Her remarkable social nature and insatiable curiosity made her a multi-talented personality. This passion for understanding everyone and everything was evident in her novel <em>The Color Purple</em>, which delved into multiple themes. The novel effectively highlighted racism, sexism, patriarchy, and poverty as prominent themes. Since the inception of womanism, its application to literary works has been more widespread than has been extensively documented. This paper aims to explore the portrayal of dark-skinned women, specifically Celie, the main character in The<em> Color Purple</em>, within both the black and white communities. It brings attention to the challenges confronted by dark-skinned women. Notably, being a woman and being dark-skinned were considered burdens, and this paper delves into the issue, emphasizing how Alice Walker crafts a path to liberation and independence for all dark-skinned women characters. Moreover, this study delves into the distinction between two critical concepts, namely "Feminism" and "Womanism." It seeks to demonstrate how Walker progresses from a limited theory of feminism to a more comprehensive approach to women's issues through womanism. To achieve this goal, the researcher analyzes the behavior and experiences of the dark-skinned women characters in <em>The Colour Purple</em>. Through this exploration, the paper ultimately sheds light on Walker's powerful message, inspiring women of all backgrounds to embrace their strength, freedom, and individuality within the broader spectrum of womanism</p> Banaz Wirya Ali الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1407 1423 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.49 The Role of Integrating Sustainability Accounting into Financial Reporting <p>This study aims to explore the roles of the independent variable (integrating sustainability accounting) into the dependent variable (financial reporting) in Kurdistan manufacturing companies and identify possible solutions to these roles. Primary data was collected from 105 sustainability managers, chief executive officers, and chief financial officers of 35 companies drawn from 7 vital industries to the Kurdistan economy. Consequently, a multiple regression model was estimated to determine the impact of each purported role on financial reporting. The results of the study indicated that the Lack of awareness of sustainability accounting, Insufficient data and resources, and adverse perceptions about sustainability accounting undermine manufacturing companies’ financial reporting. The study recommends that company managers prioritize educational and training initiatives aimed at enhancing understanding of sustainability accounting to enhance the effective integration of sustainability accounting in financial reporting. Additionally, the study commands companies to invest in data management processes and systems to enhance the availability and accuracy of sustainability data</p> Rebin Bilal Mohammed الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1424 1446 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.50 WORKFLOW SCHEDULING IN COVID 19 LOCKDOWN CRISIS USING ENERGY AWARE MAKESPAN MINIMIZATION MECHANISM IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CLOUD COMPUTING <p>Artificial Intelligence Cloud computing provides the flexible and on-demand business environment based on the resource sharing phenomena to make the service easily available for public utility. Workflow scheduling has been one of the prominent cloud computing applications; workflow comprises repeated business activity pattern which needs to execute in accordance with sequential checklist scheduling and it requires efficient QoS such as energy consumption, task execution time. In this work we address the problem of makes pan minimization and energy consumption, We have developed an efficient workflow mechanism named EAMM (Energy Aware Makes pan Minimization) to achieve the better performance in workflow scheduling. At first EAMM mechanism designs the problem of processing delay and execution time as a joint problem and solves through the same algorithm. here we focus on minimizing the make span and energy consumption in VM scheduling this is achieved through reducing the execution time on given local processor through designed algorithm. EAMM is evaluated by considering the dataset of scientific workflow based Montage and through the comparative analysis it is observed that EAMM simply outperforms the existing model in terms of total execution time and energy consumption</p> Rizhin Nuree Othman الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1447 1476 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.51 MICRO-SATELLITE DNA ASSOCIATE WITH DISEASES AND CANCERS <p>Most of the human genome is comprised of non-coding DNA. Satellite DNA (satDNA) is a non-coding region, and it is one of the DNA types that contains repeated sequences. Microsatellite (MS) DNA is one of the satDNAs. MS has a tiny percentage of satellite DNA, and several repeat sequences of it have been identified as significant participants in genome structure. MS is correlated with frequent mutations, epigenetic alterations, and changes in gene expression. MS may significantly affect phenotypes. Many genetic diseases and cancer forms have microsatellite instability, which is a significant feature. The context of disease-focused research for many types of mental disabilities has shifted because of the revelation that the expansion of unstable repeats can induce a range of neurological diseases and cancers. This review’s goal is to summarize how MS affects humans through genetic disorders, neurological diseases, developmental disorders, and cancers.</p> Hozan I. Ibrahim Rwandzy Hazha Jamal Hidayat Hazha Jamal Hidayat Seerwan Hamadameen Sulaiman الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1477 1495 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.52 The Role of Internal Auditors to Attract the Investors in Kurdistan Region of Iraq <p>The exponential rise in globalization has transformed many sectors including internal auditing. Today’s businesses are relied on quality and standard internal reporting in order to attract both local and foreign investors. Thus, it is vital for internal auditors to implement international financial reporting standards. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of internal audit in attracting investors. To analyze this issue, the study developed a model with four constructs; internal auditor experience, standard or qualitative internal auditing reports, organizational productivity and attracting investors. Data were collected from internal auditors working in different sectors (both public and private) and analyzed using SPSS. Correlations between variables are evaluated based on descriptive statistics, Structure Equation Modelling (SEM), reliability, validity and regression analysis. The study’s findings have shown that experienced internal auditors designed qualitative and standard internal auditing reports which attract both foreign and local investors compare to inexperienced internal auditors.</p> Hawkar Anwer Hamad Khowanas Saeed Qader الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1496 1518 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.53 Developing a Bayesian technique employing a posterior based on mode to estimate parameters in multiple linear regression <p>The process of estimating the parameters of regression is still one of the most important. Despite the large number of papers and studies written on this subject, these studies differ in the techniques followed in the process of estimation, whether they are classic or Bayesian. In this study, we developed a Bayesian technique employing a posterior-based mode to estimate parameters in multiple linear regression. The best multiple linear regression model for the data may be obtained based on the mean squared error after comparing the Bayesian posterior based on mode and the traditional method (ordinary least squares) by combining simulated and real data with a MATLAB program made especially for this purpose. The study finds that, compared to the traditional approach, the Bayesian posterior based on mode approach yields more accurate parameter estimates and In terms of the RMSE statistical criterion, the best results for estimating the multiple linear regression model</p> Bekhal Samad Sedeeq Hogr Mohammed Qader Dashty Ismail Jamil الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1519 1536 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.54 Safety and security measures as Key Dimensions of Tourism Satisfaction in the city of Erbil <p>Erbil, the capital city of the Kurdistan region in Northern Iraq, attracts millions of national and international tourists annually. However, the region faces uncertain safety due to the central government on the one hand and neighboring country conflicts on the other hand, which creates tension among tourists and local businesses. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between destination safety and tourist satisfaction in Erbil, Kurdistan region. the researchers based in this research on the analytical descriptive approach. A stratified random sample of the research population (tourists in Erbil city) was chosen, with a sample size of (160), in order to explain the main and sub-variables as well as to assess the correlations and influence between the variables. There were 160 questionnaires distributed, 146 were imported, and 146 were able to be used for analysis. Hypotheses were tested by applying statistical methods using the computer program (SPSS V.25). The results showed a significant positive relationship between safety and security, traffic safety, health and safety, and tourist satisfaction. The study recommends that the local government prioritize the improvement of safety and security measures, including traffic safety, and collaborate with other security and traffic management agencies to enhance tourists' confidence in the destination. Regular monitoring and public awareness campaigns are necessary. The government should continue to provide high-quality services, including hospitality, transportation, and accommodation, to maintain and improve the positive perception of tourists toward Erbil. This study's findings can help the local government and tourism industry in Erbil to enhance the safety and satisfaction of tourists, leading to increased tourism revenue.</p> Houshyar Abdulrahman Saleh Ronyaz Hayyas Mahmood الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 9 1 1537 1565 10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.1.55