ZANIST JOURNAL2024-12-30T09:32:49+00:00Asst. Lect. Farah Qasim Ahmed[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000080;">The <strong>Qalaai Zanist journal (</strong></span><span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bolder;">گۆڤاری قەڵای زانست</span><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>) (PISSN - 2518-6558, EISSN - 2518-6566)</strong> is a scientific journal published by Lebanese French University, Erbil-Iraq. It covers all human and scientific disciplines, and currently, the focus is on topics of administration, economics, accounting, tourism, law, legal administration, foreign relations, diplomacy, education with all its scientific interests, Kurdish, Arabic, English, and French languages, as well as plastic arts, engineering, and information technology. This </span><span style="color: #000080;">journal follows a double-blind peer-review process, where the duration between submission to acceptance of the article will take approximately 6 to 10 weeks.</span></p> importance of Iraq's accession to the International Criminal Court and its importance for the Kurdistan Region2024-12-20T05:56:23+00:00Idris Abdl Kaka Abdullah[email protected]<p>The International Criminal Court was established in 1998 after half a century of efforts by the United Nations and legal experts, which is considered an achievement for international criminal justice.<br>Iraq, as a multi-national and multicultural country, has gone through many significant disasters, destruction, and wars during the past century like (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression). The country’s citizens have become victims of these crimes, were committed against religious and ethnic sects, including the Kurdistan region people, who have the lion's share.<br>During the period of the previous regime’s rule, Iraq refused to join the court under the justification that the court has been politicized, the domination of powerful countries over it, and the protection of state sovereignty. However, after 2003 and the changes were happened in the political system and the Iraq’s openness to democracy, the Iraqi government during the era of( Ayad Allawi ) signed the Treaty of Rome in order to became a member of the court, but unfortunately soon regretted withdrawing their signature and refusing to join the Roma Statute. However, there has been a strong internal movement, especially from the Kurdistan region, to encourage Iraqi Government to join the International Criminal Court, and through this Article we will discuss the importance of Iraq's accession to the court and its effects on the Kurdistan region.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024's Participation in Social Development2024-12-20T06:04:14+00:00Sozan Teha Rasol[email protected]Aram Ebrahim Hosein[email protected]<p>Achieving the goals of social development and improving the lives of individuals is one of the issues that have been the focus of academic and political centers over the past few decades. One of the relatively neglected topics is the issue of women and their participation in the social development process, which is currently trying to pay attention to their role and taking part in various aspects of society development. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze and present the situation of women in the process of social development in the field of education in the Kurdistan Region. The method used in this study is the library method and reanalysis of the data. The most important findings of this study were: Although there has been a slowdown in the education process for girls in the Kurdistan Region in the past, in recent years, significant efforts have been made to participate in the education process, despite the existence of cultural barriers in the Kurdistan Region, their participation in education is an important indicator of their progress education and subsequently their role in all areas of society.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Relationship Between the Number of Cloudy Days and The Amount of Rain and Its Impact on The Precipitation Models Between the Years (2012 – 2021)2024-12-20T06:14:16+00:00Hawre Peshraw Tawfeeq[email protected]<p>The title of this research (the relationship between the number of cloudy days and the amount of rain and its impact on the precipitation models between the years (2012 - 2021). Refers to the number of cloudy days and the amount of rain to indicate the effect of the number of cloudy days on the amount of precipitation through the use of (SPSS) and then to show precipitation models in the stations in the light of this effect. For this purpose, we divided the research plan into (the first topic: the number of cloudy days and the amount of rain, the second topic: precipitation models at the stations. At the end of our study, we concluded that there is a relationship between the number of cloudy days and the amount of rain, which was reflected in the precipitation models at the stations.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Conflict from The Perspective of Alan Torn and Pierre Bourdieu2024-12-20T06:43:01+00:00Shahlaa Wali Jabbar[email protected]Dunya Saladin Mirdan[email protected]<p>The subject of conflict is an important and essential subject in sociology, and has been much debated by classical and modern theorists. The concept of social conflict has now changed in terms of its understanding and references, so that new theorists have analyzed the concept of conflict from other dimensions, including Alan Thorne and Pierre Bourdieu. The main theme of this study is to present the most important factors that play a role in the formation of social conflict among social groups and the variables that surround them, of course, from the perspective of the French scientists Alain Thorne and Pierre Bourdieu. The importance of this study lies in the fact that the issue of conflict has been constantly debated and interpreted from different dimensions by social theorists, some linking it to class issues, others to intergenerational conflict, and others to other concepts. As times have changed, the understanding and analysis of the concept has changed and its symbols have changed. The importance of the available research is that it focuses on the issue of conflict from the perspective of two contemporary theorists, Alan Thorne and Pierre Bourdieu, who have played a significant role in advancing the theoretical foundations of sociology. The aim of this study is to identify the dimensions of social conflict from the perspective of Alan Thorne and Pierre Bourdieu and to analyze the signs of social conflict in the present era.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dialects Through Studying in Universities of Kurdistan Region 2024-12-22T03:56:10+00:00Zhino Bikhtiyar Hashim[email protected]Atif Abdullah Farhadi[email protected]<p>There are numerous dialects in the structure of any language, and these dialects consist of several sub-dialects. Dialects of any languages have their own characteristics, and it is significant to keep them alive. Dialects of Kurdish Language, which are specific to groups of speakers in geographical locations, deserve such attention. Thus, the main method is to operationalize dialects which entails various aspects by itself. In this study, this method has been verified through field work and surveys, the main one being studying dialects at the university level. For this purpose, the Kurdish Language Departments at selected universities in Kurdistan Region, where dialects are being taught, have been put under the spotlight. Therefore, an online survey was conducted using Kobo Toolbox for fourth year students for the academic year of 2022-2023. It was done in an attempt to investigate the modality of operationalizing dialects to discover the strengths and weaknesses in order to propose improvements for the Kurdish Language Departments. The findings showed that the process of teaching dialects has its own characteristics which distinguishes it from other modules. Both ‘prioritized’ and ‘neglected’ dialects in this process are also illustrated and the reasons behind them. Finally, the most significant elements and aspects of successful operationalizing of Kurdish language dialects are found out, in addition to identifying the strong and weak points of each of these elements.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 humanity as a center for expression in the arts of painting2024-12-22T04:06:20+00:00Azhin Jutyar Noori[email protected]Nabaz Abdullatif[email protected]<p>In this paper, the researcher has worked on the presence of human digital in all aspects of art and tried to analyze the impact of digital on the path and direction of contemporary art in the Kurdistan Region. The first part of the research is the main problem of the research, which refers to the impact of technology on life and the changes that have brought about the art process and institutions. The scope of the research, objectives and importance are presented in the first part and this section ends with the definition of terms. The second part of this research is related to presenting the theoretical aspect of this issue) has been carried out. The third part of the study presents the implementation aspect of the study, which was conducted by the method (analytical description). The samples are organized according to the time and place limits of the study, which consists of (2) samples.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Role of Erbil Rushdiyye School in the Education Process 1868-1918 2024-12-22T04:12:09+00:00Bzhar Othman Ahmed[email protected]<p>Science and scholars have played important positions in Kurdish society throughout history, leaving behind a legacy of publications and works. Historically, mosques, schools, and classrooms served as the focal points for scientific knowledge and the establishment of scientific institutions. However, during the latter era of Ottoman governance in Kurdistan the school, both in a broad sense and specifically in Erbil, holds an official status. The government implemented a policy to pay the school teacher's salary and support pupils to pursue their studies.<br>Curiously, despite the mention of the Rushdieh School in Erbil and its contribution to the advancement of science in the city by multiple sources, the author was unable to locate the required Ottoman records. Comprehensive information regarding all facets of this school is not completed.<br>This study has employed various scientific methodologies, including historical analysis, textual examination, and textual analysis of documents as primary sources. Additionally, other scholarly sources such as books, research papers, and scientific literature have been utilised. Furthermore, a comparative approach has been employed between sources, as well as the examination of calendars and official documents pertaining to the Ottoman Empire, which offer comprehensive insights into the subject matter.<br>The study aims to examine the impact of the Rushdiyye School on the community in Erbil from 1868 to 1918. During this period, the school had a significant role in fostering the scientific development of Erbil, resulting in the cultivation of a scientific mindset among the city's youth.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 emergence and status of religious doctrines and sectarianism in Iraq2024-12-22T04:25:26+00:00Viyan Abubakir Yasin[email protected]Shukr Abubakir Aziz[email protected]<p>This research (The emergence and status of religious doctrines and sectarianism in Iraq) intensively discusses the political situation in Iraq amidst religious and sectarian conflicts and discusses the way of governing Iraq amidst the conflicts that have plagued the country in the past two decades in general As a result, the researcher concluded that the political process and statehood in Iraq is constantly in constant conflict and the presence of several different nationalities and several different religious sects are the main source of the problems faced by this country.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 effect of the training program using technique (Acrylics Poring) on the on developing drawing skills of students in the department of art education2024-12-22T04:44:14+00:00Awaz Mirza Faraj[email protected]Sabir Bakr Mustafa[email protected]<p>This research is elicited from a Ph.D. thesis entitled (The effect of the training program using (Acrylics Poring) technique on the development of drawing skills among students in the Department of Art Education). The research aims to prepare a training program in the field of drawing and to know the effect of the training program on drawing skill. The study sample consisted of (17) students in the fourth stage who were randomly selected from the study population. The purpose of preserving its balance and defining one way for all students, the research sample and adjusting the variables, the two researchers equalized the research sample in the variables (pre-test, age of the students in the month, the degree of the topic of composition in the drawing for the year (2022-2023), the level of intelligence by conducting an intelligence test (IQ test)). The researchers conducted a questionnaire to formulate and build the training program, a questionnaire to determine modern drawing techniques, a questionnaire to prepare an evaluation card to evaluate the results of the research sample tests. After formulating and building the training program and receiving the opinion of experts according to a number of steps through which the training programs, its needs and objectives were determined. The researchers applied the training program using (Acrylics Poring) technology on the research sample for a period of (8) weeks, each week (1) lesson, each lesson (3) hours. After collecting the data and statistical analysis of the results, the two researchers reached a set of results, including building a training program step by step and then applying it to the research sample, and the emergence of a statistically significant effect between the average scores of achievement in the pre-test and post-test as a result of using the technique (Acrylics Poring), which means that the students of the research sample improved their level of drawing skills after an experiment. In light of the results, the researcher made a number of recommendations and proposals that he believes will complement his current research in the future</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 political conflict and sovereignty of the Iraqi state after 20052024-12-22T04:48:46+00:00Saleh Omar Issa[email protected]Sayran Mohammed Saleh[email protected]<p>The fall of the Ba’ath regime in Iraq, after years of rule, resulting from the invasion by US forces and their allies, provided an opportunity to initiate change and establish an appropriate mechanism for developing a new Iraq and democracy for the new Iraqi society and rulers. The rise to power of the Shiite and Kurdish communities, along with the marginalization of the Sunni community, marked the onset of internal political conflicts post-Saddam Hussein’s regime. It’s crucial to mention the role of ethnicity, which contributed to the weakening of Iraq’s state sovereignty.<br>The significance of this research lies in its ability to shed light on hidden and lesser-known perspectives regarding the recurring structural and internal conflicts in Iraq. This understanding can help identify and address internal issues and guide a comprehensive national policy. The research hypothesis posits that internal political conflicts among Iraq’s communities are the root cause of its transformation into a failed state, which, in turn, negatively impacts the sovereignty of the Iraqi nation-state.<br>The research employs a descriptive content analysis method, exploring the cause-and-effect relationship where the independent variable (internal political conflicts) influences the dependent variable (sovereignty of the Iraqi state). Data was collected from scholarly journals, libraries, and the internet, and their evaluation was based on the theory of failed states.<br>In conclusion, it becomes evident that conflicts between communities contribute to the weakness and inefficiency of national institutions. This weakness prevents these institutions from fulfilling their crucial roles in serving the public interest and upholding the democratic process. Furthermore, it fosters corruption and allows certain factions to wield power above that of the state, ultimately undermining the sovereignty of the Iraqi state post-2005.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Effect of Emotional Intelligence on English Language Proficiency Among Sixth Grade Students2024-12-23T00:15:21+00:00Mariwan Asaad Bahaaldin[email protected]Abdullah Hussein Rasool[email protected]<p>The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and English language proficiency in 6th-grade students, to find the possible connections between emotional intelligence and demographic variables like; (age, gender, and school environment) and their impact on the total activity score and the student’s writing tests inside the classroom. <br>The research community includes 386 6th-grade students both male and female whose ages are between 11 and 14 years. They are randomly chosen from 10 different schools in Erbil province - the center of the district - including Deryaz, Havin, Kozhin, Neyvan, Pers, Rojyar, Sivan, Zmnako, Zinar and Khana Qubadi. They chose those schools to make an assessment of the students' emotional intelligence levels by using the children's short form (CSF) which consists of 36 items, that is a part of the TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, then the data were analyzed and tested for variables through the statistical SPSS program.<br>The results of the study suggest that the 11-12-year-old students’ group had significantly higher levels of emotional intelligence than the 13-14-year-old group. In contrast, in students of the 11-12-year-old group, their total activity score was significantly higher compared to the 13-14-year-old group and the size of this effect was indicated at (1.204, 0.886) Cohen’s d, which is evidence for a significantly positive effect of Emotional intelligence on the academic level of the students. The results of students' gender differences also have a positive relationship with the student’s total everyday activity score and writing tests, in a way that the level of scientific level and daily activity of females is higher than males in the classroom.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Folklore in Aziz Malaresh’s Novel2024-12-23T00:20:00+00:00Sangar Qader Shekhmohammad Haji[email protected]<p>Literary geners have a significant impact on each other, sometimes, we as readers can find different geners used in a specific gener, especially a novel. This research entitled “Using Folklore Types in Aziz Mala Resh Novels’’ discusses the probability of using folklore types in novels. <br>The research method is descriptive; those types of folklore focused on, that used in the novel. Also, we get to the conclusion that the novelist used folklore elements extensively.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 factors in family choice of private education2024-12-23T00:24:28+00:00Avin Qahar Jalal[email protected]Abdullah Khurshid Abdullah[email protected]<p>This study study investigates the motivations behind families opting for non-governmental schools for their children's education. Employing a qualitative research approach, data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. The central inquiry of the study revolves around the question: "What drives parents to enroll their children in private schools?" The research encompasses 25 non-governmental primary schools in Erbil, operating under the Erbil Education Directorate. The study sample consisted of 22 parents with children attending these schools. The research findings highlight several key factors influencing parents' choices, including the quality of school infrastructure, services, and educational standards. Additionally, English-language instruction and a robust educational system emerged as significant factors, though many families expressed concerns regarding the high tuition fees.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Geographical Assessment of The Historical And Tourist Relics of The Akre District and How They Developed2024-12-23T00:37:24+00:00Nechirvan Kh. Abdulhadi[email protected]Luqman Weso Omer[email protected]Nawshirwan Dawd Ali[email protected]<p>Tourism is one of the activities that is constantly developing, diverse, one of the types is historical and religious archaeological tourism that is considered one of the important principles of tourism Lay Akre, Shush Castle, Akre Great Mosque, Der Mariana, Gundk Cave, etc.<br>The researchers have come to the conclusion that the geographical location of Akre district is rich in archaeological sites, which (116) archaeological sites in the district, which helps tourists to see many different places in a short time ە as Poor or lack of road networks and lack of projects, tourist guides and tourism services that 83.6% of tourists see these problems in the areas.<br>Therefore, more attention should be paid to these areas by the relevant authorities in order to diversify tourism in the study area through the creation of tourist guides and the creation of tourism communities in the historical and religious archaeological areas of Akre district.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of some Kurdish words derived from Avesta2024-12-23T00:43:41+00:00Dastan Sabr Mama[email protected]<p>Unlike the traditional definitions of language in the past, in this era of the new revolution of technology, the struggle of languages, and the death of some languages, the most obvious and accepted new definition of language has appeared, since language is not just a link to communication and information transfer, but language itself is the structure and structure of things.<br>It is the existence that it refers to, so language does not just refer to history, culture, and originality, but language itself is history, the originality, culture and culture of all nations, language creates civilizations, there is no civilization without language.<br>The existence of a nation is linked to its language, which means that language erases the identity of the nation by the absence of a nation, which means that language has an important and effective role in the transformation of all nations.<br>This study is titled "Etymology of some Kurdish words derived from Avesta. There are two topics and the results and the sources that have been used. <br>Topic 1: In this topic, a historical brief on the analysis of the words and terms of etymology, Kurdish language, and Avesta sources, then the Avesta language and the evidence that proves that the Kurdish language is the form of Avesta with the letters of Avesta language.<br>Topic 2: In this topic, we try to learn more about the language of Avesta and describe the words that are derived from Avesta. The topics in this section include the religious dialect of Avesta and the parts of Avesta, and the relationship between Avesta and Hawrami, then the etymology of its name (human, place, animal, time and thing). <br>The results of the research and the sources of benefit have been presented.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 United States' Attitude towards the 1991 People's Uprising in South Kurdistan2024-12-23T00:48:45+00:00Ismail Mohamad Hassaf[email protected]Saman Omar Hamad[email protected]<p>The Iraq occupation of Kuwait was a main factor for attracting the United States and approaching to the Kurds, because it radically changed US policy towards Iraq and persuated the US administration to launch a military offensive against of Iraq, which had a reflection on the Kurdish question. The first chapter examines the US position and role towards the mass uprising in South Kurdistan. The first chapter examines the US position and role towards the Kurdistan people's uprising, in the beging, the study highlighting the factors of the uprising in Kurdistan cities and towns, then the role of the US and international organizations towards the uprising. The final part will focus on the Resolution 688, and how the mass migration of Iraqi Kurds impacts on the United States and the international community to take some practical steps to protect the Kurds. It describes the deaths and victims of the Kurds, which eventually led France to draft Resolution 688 and submitted to the Security Council, as a result the Kurds being included in a UN resolution as an oppressed nation for the first time in history. At the same time, the US position for the protection and return of Kurdish refugees has been expressed.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024, Shmshal, Music, Kurdish Society 2024-12-23T00:53:34+00:00Madhhar Ismail Hawez[email protected]Nasser Hashim Badan[email protected]Idrees Abdullah Mustafa[email protected]<p>Musical groups include primarily oriental instruments. The most prominent of these instruments is the shmshal which is characterized by a different style of playing because of the importance of light. This research was presented to explain the role of the shmshal in Kurdish society, and given the significance of this topic to researchers, the need for research has emerged. This paper consists of a summary, introduction, research problem, importance of the research, purpose of the research, scope of the research, and definition of the most important terms. The theoretical framework consisted of two topics: the name of the instrument, definition of the instrument, description of the instrument, history, measurements, playing style, playing techniques, construction of the instrument, scale keys, range, shape and components of the instrument, and types of shnshal instruments. The second chapter discusses the role of the instrument on social and religious occasions, as well as other aspects of life and the lives of a number of prominent musicians in Kurdish society, followed by conclusions and recommendations</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of The Distribution of Winter Wheat and The Barely Changed Harvest in The Prde Sub-District2024-12-23T01:00:49+00:00Sarkawt Hamakhursheed Ahmed[email protected]Chiman Omer Abdulrahman[email protected]Mustafa Salih Ismail[email protected]Samah Samad Ali[email protected]<p>The use of land planted with crops in the research area has seen significant changes between the year of origin (2010) and the comparative year (2022). However, in this study, we have benefited from the Geographic Information System program to make maps scientifically and cartographically prepared at the sector level, We can say that wheat and barley have become the income of the nation and are considered the main pillar of the country's economy, there are some obstacles that have had an effect on agriculture, which are natural solutions and human obstacles, as a result of the research, we found that the amount of wheat and barley crops has decreased at the level of the sectors in the total of (34) sectors (30) sectors ,In relation to the amount of production, all of them have taken negative directions, and the amount of crop change has been negative, the amount of wheat and wheat production in the district reached (9,876 tons) in the comparative year (7,756 tons) in the comparative year, so the rate of crop change between 2010 and 2022 reached (-90%(.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 – temporal analysis of temperature in Erbil governorate using geographical information system (GIS)2024-12-23T01:08:41+00:00Mohammed Tayeb Raoof[email protected]Tariq Khidr Hassan[email protected]<p>Temperature is considered one of the main and affective weather elements that have a direct impact on human activities and the natural environment. The purpose of this research is to distribute and analyze spatial and temporal temperatures and to determine the relationship between temperature and weather elements in Erbil Governorate during the period between (2002-2020), in each of (Makhmur, Koya, Erbil, Khabat, Pirmam, Shaqlawa, Soran, Mergasur) stations, conducting the regional analysis system and using (SPSS.V.26) (Excel) (Arc GIS.10.3) programs.<br>The research concluded that there is a spatially and temporally significant difference in the average temperatures in the research area, as the highest average annual temperature in Makhmur station reached (22.8°) Celsius, and the lowest average temperature was recorded in Mergasur station, which amounted to (15.9°) Celsius, and with regard to the time difference, the highest average temperature was recorded in the year (2010) reaching (21.5°) Celsius, and the lowest temperature in the year (2019) was (18.6°) Celsius.<br>In addition, as a result of applying statistical analysis regarding temperatures and rainfall in the research area, it turned out that there is a strong inverse relationship of (-0.855), and at the same time this relationship regarding actual sunlight and relative humidity was a weak inverse relationship which amounted to (-0.176/-0.117), only wind speed had a strong direct relationship reaching (0.619), and the relationship of altitude above sea level with temperature was a strong inverse relationship amounting to (-0.909).</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 role of journalism in the renewal of Turkish literature2024-12-23T01:14:10+00:00Karwan Rauf Taha Mirani[email protected]<p>The period of Tenzimat began in the mid-19th century in the Ottoman Empire and represents a process of modernization. This period began with the writing of Humayun Gulkhana proclaimed by Sultan Abdülmecid in 1839. The Tanzimat period was a period of various reforms in the Ottoman Empire and major changes took place in the social, political and economic spheres of Turkish language and literature. The Tanzimat period is seen as a reflection of the modernization efforts of the Ottoman Empire, and the reforms undertaken during this period were the cornerstone of the Ottoman reforms. Because Ottoman literature was located between Arabic and Persian literature, which are two major, widespread and advanced literatures influential in the region, Ottoman literature had little influence, so that it could not fit within the rule of the Ottoman Sultan. This led to the Ottoman Sultan's decision to organize the arts (Tanzimat Reforms) in 1839 during the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid. More than twenty years later, in the late 1860s, Turkish literature began to renew itself through newspapers and publications influenced by Western literature. During this period, the renewal of Turkish literature took bold steps through newspapers and several writers in various literary fields. This led to an increase in journalistic activities, especially during the Tanzim period, during which literature was renewed. Since newspapers could easily reach the public opinion, it made literary works circulate and changed the reading habits of the people. In addition, newspapers provided opportunities for writers’ ideas to be disseminated quickly. Thus, the writers drew attention and created awareness by writing articles critical of social problems. In this paper, we have discussed in detail several important topics of Turkish literature, journalism and literary renewal that writers and newspapers played a significant role in the development and renewal of literature. In addition, we have mentioned the beginning of the Tanzimat Reforms and renewal of literature through talented writers and newspapers, and then this renewal continued in several stages until the middle of the last century.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 and evaluation of secondary education services in Rzgari city2024-12-29T16:56:30+00:00Hakim Salh Mohammad[email protected]Ahmad Jamal Khalil[email protected]<p>Educational services are one of the important pillars of social development that affects the lives of residents and occupies an important and active position in the city, as one of the pillars that aims to educate society On the analysis of high schools in the city's high school, based on the use of geographical information system (GIS), it also evaluates the level of the ability of this stage of education according to several Iraqi criteria, description and analysis method has been used based on the system. Geographical Information In analyzing the appropriateness of the distribution, the study showed that high school education in Rzgari is not at the level of the needs of the city's population and the distribution of high schools is scattered It is good in numbers but below standard in area After analyzing the impact belt, the study identified the location of five new high schools <br>for the city of salvation to solve the problem of distance and time of this service.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 productivity at the semantic level2024-12-29T17:04:49+00:00Bayan Haji Salih[email protected]Sherwan Hussein Xoshnaw[email protected]<p>The number is an independent part of speech, which has both the manifestations of meaning and the same lexical grammatical functions as any other semantic unit. There are various ways in which new words are produced, with the help of other language units. Numbers are one of the linguistic units that can be productive in the process of creating new words. Whether as a base, which can take other clamps, especially in the drafting process. As an independent word participates in both the process of interpretation and formation through syntax.<br>Interestingly, numbers do not all have the same degree of productivity, as is true of other units of language. Among the numbers in Kurdish, certain numbers can participate in the process of word formation. Some of them make many words and others make fewer words. Number and its semantic meaning can be interpreted according to any of the semantic theories; each theory includes the meaning of number according to its own interpretations. This shows us that the concept of number is not limited to counting, but often has other meanings and concepts. This research is an attempt to demonstrate the ability and productivity of numbers in the Kurdish language of the Central Krmanji dialect</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Influence and Role of Marxist Leftists in the Uprising (03/05/1991) to (03/28/1991) in South Kurdistan2024-12-29T17:09:44+00:00Zhelwan Abdullah Ahmed[email protected]Amanj Hasan Ahmed[email protected]<p>during the years between 1975 and 1991, after the revival of the Kurdish revolution in South Kurdistan, several Marxist leftist movements and groups were formed and grew, they played a significant role in the Kurdish people's liberation movement and political events in the South Kurdistan, both of those who were in the mountains and had armed forces and those who were secretly engaged in political struggle and organizing and promoting a Marxist program in the cities of South Kurdistan. Later, these Marxist leftist groups, parties, and organizations played a significant role in the events of the uprising and the days that followed the uprising.<br>In this study, based on documents, sources, and interviews with people who participated in the events of that time, we have tried to analyze the role of the Marxist leftists in the 1991 uprising in South Kurdistan and the subsequent events until 1992 under the title (Influence and Role of the Marxist leftists in the Uprising (5/03/1991) to (28/03/1991) of South Kurdistan).<br>We have divided the research into several topics, including:<br>The first topic: in this topic we have discussed the influence and role of the leftists in the uprising.<br>The second topic discussed the leftists' role in forming councils in Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, and Kirkuk.<br>the third topic: In this topic, we have tried to discuss the role of the leftists and the councils during the Baath government's attack on Kurdistan cities.<br>The fourth topic: We have discussed the reasons for the failure of the councils.<br>The fifth topic: We have explained the position and role of the leftists in the rule of the Kurdistan Frontier.<br>Then in the list of sources, we have indicated the sources, documents, and interviews we used in the research</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 impact of the occult predictions (Occultations) on the transfer of the caliphate to the Abbasids 132 AH- 750 AD2024-12-29T17:17:13+00:00Zainab N. Mohamed Sedeeq Barzani[email protected]Hakeem Ahmed Mambakr[email protected]<p>It is well known that those in positions of authority employ diverse justifications to uphold their power .in this context, the utilization of the occult is perceived as a significant instrument that those in power cannot disregard. Owing to its significance to their interests in the state<br>In this farmwork, this paper is structured into an introduction, four main chapter, and a conclusion. The initial chapter explores the use of the science of occult (occultism) in ancient Arab cultures prior to Islam. The second chapter focuses on the on the occultism in Islam and the Qur’an, encompassing the undisclosed news mentioned by the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.<br>The third chapter deals with the types of occultation, and the negative effects of knowing the unseen before its time, then the opinion of some scholars were presented.<br>The fourth chapter delves into the information pertaining to the transition of power to Abbasid family, including reference to dreams and astrologers, predictions regarding the Abbasids rise to power and acquisition of the caliphate. The paper concludes by summarizing o the key finding and conclusions drawn by the researchers</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of the Growing Progress of the Iraqi Novel2024-12-29T17:22:00+00:00Maysaa Nabeel Abdulhameed[email protected]Ali Abd Alrahman Fattah[email protected]<p>Concerning the Iraqi modern novel, it first appeared and grew in an incomplete structure till it reached a satisfactory maturity and perfection during the sixties and seventies of the previous century and the beginning of the twenty first century.<br>The Iraqi modern novel added to its perfection some tasks through which most Iraqi novelists have endeavored to express the agonies of their people and country. They also concentrated on the great loss and waste that inflicted Iraq following the great latest war of 2003. The Iraqi modern novelists undertook all those missions and worked on combining in the structural frameworks of their novels imagination and reality mainly to reach the tightest narrative style. However, if this style is not realistic, it depicts realism by imitating it.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 distribution of the Corona pandemic in Raperin District, Kurdistan Region of Iraq2024-12-29T17:26:55+00:00Fatimah Qader Mustafa[email protected]Sakar Mohammed Hasan[email protected]<p>The Corona Virus (Covid19) pandemic is one of the most rapidly spreading pandemics in the world, and spatial analysis has shown, as well as the progress of means of transportation and mobility in the whole world, that had a great impact on the rapid spread of the epidemic, and that despite the state of panic that afflicts the whole world, the reality The situation indicates that the (Covid19) pandemic is not the first of its kind that swept the world after overcoming the stage of epidemics and famines due to its lack of continuity and the low death rate. The conditions of the geographical environment and ways of living related to food and cultural habits in China have been shown by time series analysis to identify the effect of time on the speed of the spread of the epidemic and predict its future that the pandemic continues to spread and increase unless something new occurs that changes the direction of its escalation as the discovery of a serum for treatment and that despite the state of panic that afflicts the whole world.<br>This study is concerned with the geographical distribution of the pandemic, highlighting the relationship between the elements of natural and human geography, based on its negative effects on human life and on their living and economic conditions, and searching for methods of combating and preventing them.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Protection for Homeless Children2024-12-29T17:31:43+00:00Muhammad Hassan Khamo[email protected]Hersh Fadhil Shakir[email protected]<p>The phenomenon of homelessness, especially (the homelessness of children), is one of the phenomena that afflict all societies, regardless of their economic progress or political stability, so local communities have worked to provide the necessary protection for this group, and this is what the Iraqi legislator did, as his permanent constitution included a number of articles that It worked to provide the necessary protection for the family as the basic cell that preserves children and prevents them from homelessness, in addition to the inclusion in the constitution of a number of articles that provide protection directly for the child in a way that guarantees his distance from this phenomenon, and this is what the international community also noticed, as he also worked to provide The necessary protection for the family and children to prevent their homelessness (especially children).<br>Through the research, we have found that the protection that was provided to homeless children was not a direct protection, that is, it does not address the phenomenon of homelessness of children in particular, but rather provides protection for children and grants them the rights that they are supposed to enjoy. National and international alike must work to provide direct protection for homeless children, whether through the issuance of relevant laws or through the conclusion of relevant international agreements.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONSTITUTIONAL LAWSUIT IN IRAQI LEGISLATION2024-12-29T17:36:51+00:00Amal Sani Muhamedameen[email protected]<p>Every organized political society living within the State has a constitution that includes clear and specific provisions regulating how to exercise powers, develop legislation and ensure rights, freedoms and limits that the authorities may not exceed in exercising their power. Therefore, the constitution represents the top of the legal pyramid in the state, and is not topped by any legal rules, and these rules should adhere to the framework of its provisions and not violate them, as the principle of the supremacy of the constitution and its superiority over all ordinary laws is one of the most important foundations on which the rule of law and institutions are based.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Controls for the use of Comparative Commercial Advertising2024-12-29T17:41:31+00:00Gullala Abdul Razzaq Abbas[email protected]Adnan Baqi Latif[email protected]<p>Comparative commercial advertising is distinguished from the rest of the methods and forms of other advertisements in that the advertiser takes a different approach with a dual nature. It is not enough, as usual, to highlight the characteristics and advantages of his commodity or service, but in addition to that, he degrades the advantages of a similar commodity of a competing merchant, highlighting its defects and reducing its value or By exposure to the person of the competitor in his reputation and fame, and despite the wide spread of this method of advertising and its frequent use, the Iraqi legislator did not regulate its provisions in view of his neglect of regulating commercial advertising in general with objective rules, just as the legislator in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq neglected the regulation of comparative advertising despite issuing a law Regulation of commercial advertisement No. (4) of (2019). In view of the importance of comparative commercial advertising at the present time as a factor in marketing and promotion of products, a manifestation of legitimate competition, and a tool for contacting customers and improving product quality, the direct approach is to approve the prohibition rules related to misleading advertising on this type of advertisement as an unfair commercial practice. It is considered an unfair course and contrary to the recent trends of comparative legislation, including the French legislation, which dealt with and authorized it under the consumption law when it focused on the essential characteristics of similar goods, including accurate, honest and objective data, so this study came to provide the Iraqi and Kurdistan legislators with results and recommendations that require allowing the advertiser this type of advertisement In light of tight legal controls that allow the advertiser to exercise his right to expression, address the public of consumers and provide them with information about the various alternatives of competing products, and prevent him from everything that would mislead the consumer and influence his choices, and at the same time ensure that he does not harm the competitor or detract from the special <br>products he offers, which reflects positively on freedom of competition.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Contractual Obligations Due to Force Majeure2024-12-29T17:52:48+00:00Ranj Rasool Hamad[email protected]Rebaz Ardalan Bakr[email protected]<p>The force majeure effects are reflected on the entity and existence of the contract, as it affects one of its pillars, such as causing the destruction of the shop or the death of one of the contracting parties, in a way that makes it impossible for the contract to survive or to be executed, but this effect is not the inevitable result of the occurrence of force majeure, as the event can be In the form of temporary force majeure, which does not necessitate the impossibility of the final implementation of the contract, because there is a possibility of implementation in the future when the temporary force majeure ceases, and therefore it is preferable not to terminate the existence of the contract.<br>Accordingly, this requires that the contract remain a binding existence. If the force majeure causes the temporary impossibility of implementing the obligation, and this could be a reason for applying a legal system parallel to the provisions of force majeure in the civil law, except that it is the suspension of the implementation of contractual obligations, until the temporary force majeure ceases, because the provisions of force majeure are not from public order, and it is established This suspension refers to the parties' agreement to suspend the implementation of contractual obligations, or to grant one of the contracting parties the power to unilaterally suspend contractual obligations.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Delinquency - Factors and Treatments in Iraqi Legislation2024-12-29T17:58:08+00:00Osman Mustafa Abdullah[email protected]<p>this study is concerned with the analytical descriptive approach, by talking about the adequacy of the protection of the Iraqi legal system, especially the Juvenile Welfare Law No. 76 of 1983, for the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency? In view of the great development witnessed by the human society and the Iraqi society in the field of the emergence of information and communication technology and various other fields that help in the increase of criminal behavior such as violence, terrorism, theft and sexual crimes among juveniles. As well as the effectiveness of those laws to reform juveniles? And the extent of their effectiveness in rehabilitating operations to put an end to juvenile delinquency? After it has become scientifically proven that the means of violence and punishment are useless as a way to treat juvenile delinquency, but rather it increases its complexity.<br>The research methodology required that it be divided into: an introduction, three topics, and a conclusion: The first topic was devoted to talking about the concept of juvenile and the seriousness of juvenile delinquency, and we will shed light on the seriousness of juvenile delinquency by showing the negative effects of delinquency on the juveniles themselves and on society. In the second topic, the focus is on the factors affecting juvenile delinquency through the internal and external factors of juvenile delinquency. As for the third topic, it is devoted to studying the preventive and therapeutic aspects of juvenile delinquency. In the conclusion, a number of conclusions and recommendations that have been reached are presented in the light of the problems raised through this study</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024's Rights and Empowerment in Islamic Sharia2024-12-29T18:03:32+00:00Sanar Sewar Sewar[email protected]<p>This research explores "Women's Rights and Empowerment in Islamic Sharia." It examines the Quranic foundations and Prophetic traditions that address women's rights in Islam, emphasizing the legitimate importance of women's empowerment and the need for a better understanding of these guidelines. The research also analyzes the economic, social, and cultural impact of women's empowerment, along with future challenges and opportunities. The study demonstrates that supporting women's rights can contribute to building more just and sustainable societies and underscores the ongoing efforts required to achieve women's empowerment in Islamic Sharia</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Role of Environmental Auditing in Evaluating Environmental Performance in Industrial Companies2024-12-29T18:07:58+00:00Arshad Sedeeq Abdullah[email protected]<p>The research aims to determine the role of environmental auditing in achieving the evaluation of the environmental performance of industrial companies, by the survey the opinions of a sample of auditors and academics in the city of Erbil. The research problem revolves around the rapid changes and developments in the environment of industrial companies, which forced the managements of industrial companies to keep pace with these developments and changes in the business environment and adapt with them to achieve their goals. In order to test the research hypotheses, the questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of auditors and academics in the city of Erbil, and then analyzed the data obtained through the use of the (SPSS V.26) program. Accordingly, a number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which is that there is a statistically significant relationship between the environmental audit variable and the environmental performance variable from the point of view of auditors and academics in the city of Erbil, as the value of the correlation coefficient between the two variables reached (0.764) and at a significant level (0.05). This is because the higher the levels of environmental auditing, the higher the levels of environmental performance, by (76.4%), and vice versa. The results of the research showed that there is a significant effect of the variable (environmental auditing) on the variable (environmental performance), depending on the value of the level of significance for the test (F) of (0.000), which was less than the level of significance assumed in the study concerned (0.05), as well as through the value calculated for the test (F), amounting to (93.653), which was greater than its tabular value (3.99). The research recommended the need to compel audit offices in the Kurdistan Region to contribute to activating the role of auditors when auditing and evaluating environmental performance in companies and working to make environmental auditing a mandatory audit and finding the necessary standards that help auditors to audit and evaluate environmental performance</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 hardness and its relation to social interaction The students of the institutes of the ministry of education in the Kurdistan region-Iraq 2024-12-29T18:11:47+00:00Diman Abdulstar Jawhar yaba[email protected]Muhammad Muhyaddin Sadia Al-Jabbari[email protected]<p>The current study aimed to identify the relationship between psychological hardiness and social interaction among students of the institutes of the Ministry of Education in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The level of social interaction according to the variable (sex, academic stage, type of institute), and the study sample consisted of students from the institutes of the Ministry of Education (governmental) for the Kurdistan region in the city of Erbil, who are continuing at all times for the academic year (2021-2022), with the exception of the evening study. The study relied on the descriptive approach in both its relational and comparative parts. the researcher prepared the scale of psychological hardness which consist of (39) items with five alternatives (1,2,3,4,5) and made social interaction scale which consist of (31) items with five alternatives (1,2,3,4,5) as tools for the study. The stability of the psychological hardiness scale reached (0.94) and the social interaction scale was (0.97). The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to process the data. and the results of the study showed that there was a high level of psychological hardness among the study sample. Statistically significant differences in the social relationship according to the variable (sex), followed by the variable (study stage), and based on the results of the study, the researcher recommended conducting more studies to reveal the level of psychological hardness and social interaction and the relationship between them in different age groups and samples.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 impact of green human resource management practices on employee performance2024-12-29T21:23:48+00:00Karkhi Khalid Sabah [email protected]Ronyaz Hayyas Mahmood[email protected]Rebin Bilal Mohammed[email protected]<p>The study seeks to illustrate green human resource management techniques throughout its dimensions (green employment, green performance training and evaluation, green compensation and incentive systems) and their impact on employee performance in its sub-dimensions, which include effort, ability, and task. The study problem was encapsulated in several inquiries: to what extent are green human resource management practices implemented in private universities in Erbil from the perspective of their human resources? Additionally, what is the nature of the relationship and influence between green human resource management practices and employee performance? The researchers utilize descriptive analytical methodologies. The study delineates the primary and secondary variables, examining the interrelations and impacts among the research variables. The research population comprises human resources (academic staff, lecturers, employees) across all private universities in Erbil. A sample size of 150 was selected, resulting in the distribution of 150 questionnaires, of which 146 were retrieved, all deemed valid for analysis. The hypotheses were evaluated by statistical methods utilizing the software package SPSS V.25. The research concluded that correlation analysis demonstrated substantial direct correlations at both macro and micro levels between green human resource management and employee performance. Furthermore, the analysis indicators at both macro and micro levels indicate a substantial beneficial effect of the independent variable (green human resource management) on the dependent variable (performance management). The research put forth a series of recommendations, chief among them the necessity of urging institutions and universities to implement green compensation and incentive systems to foster a healthy work environment and motivate employees to attain institutional objectives. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of providing training and development for employees in the examined universities regarding green human resource management, aimed at enhancing their awareness and capabilities in applying the principles of green management, thereby improving employee performance and augmenting the university's efficiency in sustainably utilizing its human resources.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 auditor’s dependence on internal control in evaluating computerized systems 2024-12-29T21:34:39+00:00Miran Omer Amin[email protected]Rizgar Ali Ahmed[email protected]<p>This research aims to explore the dependence of auditors on internal control when evaluating computerized systems in the Kurdish Region of Iraq. To achieve the research objectives and address the research questions, a questionnaire was utilized as the research instrument. The questionnaire was distributed among two groups of samples, which encompassed the relevant employees in active banks within the Kurdish Region of Iraq. Four banks and their branches were selected for the study, with a total of 95 questionnaires distributed as the research sample; 83 of these questionnaires were returned and included in the analysis. The questionnaire data were collected and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. The research yielded several conclusions, notably demonstrating a positive correlation between the auditor’s role and the evaluation of computerized systems. This correlation was observed through flowchart analysis and the design and validation of the system. The auditor's involvement was found to have a positive impact on the evaluation and auditing of computerized systems and their performance in the active banks of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The researcher recommends that banks in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq prioritize keeping pace with rapid technological advancements in the modern and fiercely competitive environment. This involves offering products that efficiently cater to customer needs, ensuring speed, accuracy, and high quality</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 role of accounting information quality measures in making administrative decisions in the light of situational theory2024-12-29T21:42:38+00:00Sroor Najim Abdullah[email protected]Maher Ali Hussein alshamam[email protected]<p>The quality of accounting information is considered a vital factor in the modern information era, as it significantly impacts the decision-making processes within economic institutions. This study aims to comprehend the influence of accounting information quality on the decision-making process through the dimensions of accounting information quality (accuracy, relevance, effectiveness, predictability, efficiency) within the framework of the standpoint theory. The standpoint theory provides a theoretical framework that focuses on how social, cultural, political, and institutional factors affect managerial decision-making processes, as well as how individuals form standpoints, values, and standpoint beliefs.<br>Based on the analysis of hypotheses and conclusions drawn from the results, the study found a strong positive and statistically significant relationship between the quality of accounting information and decision-making within the standpoint theory framework. The results indicated that an increase in accounting information quality corresponds to an enhancement in the ability to make well-informed and deliberate decisions, thereby boosting confidence in result accuracy.<br>This study serves as an important reference for researchers and decision-makers in the fields of accounting and management. It underscores the significance of accounting information quality in sustaining and succeeding within the dynamic business market. The standpoint theory highlights its role in comprehending the accounting process and enhancing the performance of managerial decisions.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of E-Learning from The Perspective of Students in Regional Universities in Light of The Corona Pandemic2024-12-29T21:47:22+00:00Kamaran Majeed Ali[email protected]Polla Abdull Samad Mahmood[email protected]<p>The aim of the current research is to identify the challenges of e-learning that students of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s governmental and non-governmental universities face from their point of view, and to identify the differences according to the variables (gender, scientific specialization, and university). To achieve the research objectives, the comparative descriptive approach was used, and the research sample consisted of ( 601 male and female students, who were selected by a simple random method from the research community consisting of all students from (Soran, Salah al-Din, Lebanese and French) universities. A special questionnaire was prepared for this purpose to collect information and data on the students’ point of view, consisting of four areas (psychological and social challenges, Curriculum challenges and learning motivation, technical challenges and experience, economic challenges), which were verified for their validity and reliability using the SPSS statistical package and then distributed electronically and on paper to the research sample. The results of the research concluded that students at the three universities face real challenges at varying levels between the universities, and Based on the research results, a set of recommendations and proposals were presented to the parties related to the research topic</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 effect of the number of problems of constitutional institutions on the implementation of the public budget2024-12-29T21:52:55+00:00Aras Hasan Abdulqadir[email protected]Kamal Anwar Yaba[email protected]<p>Indeed, the cooperation and coordination among the supreme controlling organs is regarded as an essential guarantee to encounter the frustration of the controlling process of constitutional institutions in the implementation of the public state budget. However, the fundamental challenge behind our research is the lack of cooperation among constitutional institution, due to the combination of their Jurisdiction and overlaps between the supreme controlling agencies, whether by the state authorities themselves through political parties or outside the political structures. Mainly, this research will face an enormous problem in front of the controlling bodies of the constitutional institutions by exercising the controlling process on the implementation of the public state budget and the elimination of financial corruption. Based on the framework of the problems that have been presented in our research according to the analytical method to reveal the challenges facing this control according to the national system, comparing it with the foreign system, and addressing it through the two sections. The first section relates to the content of the diversity of the constitutional structures and the relation to the implementation of the public budget, while the second section relates to the problem of the diversity of the constitutional structures in the French and Lebanese system. As a result of these problems, the lack of the principle of transparency and accountability on the implementation of the public state budget to provide citizens and the conflict of competences between them. Consequently, it leads to the lack of proper control and the spread of financial corruption on the state budget. As a consequence, it is necessary for the national legislature to amend the laws related to the controlling organs in constitutional institutions and unifying the supreme controlling institutions under one legal system, in order to protect public funds (property), and strengthen the rule of law.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Comparison Between the Effects of Image-Schema and Data-Driven Teaching on Learning English Prepositions by Intermediate Kurdish EFL Learners2024-12-30T08:07:13+00:00Ahmed Azeez Mohammed[email protected]Fatemeh Mirzapour[email protected]Nesa Nabifar[email protected]<p>The objective of the current study was to observe the efficiency of Image schema and Data-Driven Teaching methods in helping intermediate Kurdish students in learning six English prepositions, which were in, on, at, to, behind, in front of, between, besides, over and under. The participants of the study were 100 intermediate EFL Kurdish learners aged 18 to 20 from Lebanese French University in Kurdistan, Iraq. The participants were two groups, first experimental and second experimental groups (50 in each group). The present research adopted a quantitative study as quasi-experimental research fulfilled in the form of pretest and a posttest. The uniformity of the EFL students was ensured using the Oxford Placement Test (OPT). The researcher created the pretest and posttest in this study to assess the participants' learning and retention before and after the intervention. The results revealed that Image schema group had a greater impact on English preposition learning in comparison with Data-Driven Teaching group. Thus, this study has some academic effects for English language teachers in Iraq to be aware of cognitive linguistic usage as a frequent practice in the EFL classroom.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of Income Smoothing Policies’ Effects on The Quality of Accounting Information in Kurdistan Banks2024-12-30T08:13:57+00:00Saifaldeen Khaleel Hamad[email protected]Sardar Jalal Braim[email protected]<p>The main purpose of the study is to examine income smoothing policies’ effects on the quality of Kurdistan banks’ accounting information. A single regression model was used to analyse income smoothing policies’ effects on the quality of accounting information using 50 financial managers, accounts managers, internal audit managers, administration managers, internal auditors, accountants and general managers’ responses. The findings showed that banks engaging in income smoothing policies stand a huge chance to offer high-quality accounting information. It was further observed that income smoothing policies are a notable determining element of accounting information quality and aid in explaining fluctuations in accounting quality throughout the banking sector. This study also hints that income smoothing policies can positively affect accounting information reliability and credibility, as stakeholders and investors are more likely to trust predictable and stable financial statements. As such, the results have profound theoretical implications for accounting reporting theories, as they indicate that income smoothing policies are a crucial tool for banks to employ to boost the quality and credibility of their financial statements.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of Gender Variation in Central Kurdish Media Discourse2024-12-30T08:19:37+00:00Hawsar A. Shekhani[email protected]Daban Q. Jaff[email protected]<p>This study compares gender variation in spoken media discourse in Central-Kurdish based on the Attitudinal mode of the Interpersonal language meta function. TV interviewees public speeches are analyzed using content analysis, a qualitative and descriptive methodology. The research instrument is a qualitative exploratory. This paper addresses the following questions: What are the areas of attitudinal mode subcategories selection similarities and differences between the speakers of both genders? What is the frequency of Polarities of Attitudinal choices between the speakers of both genders? How does the selection of the attitudinal mode by TV interviewees media discourse in Central Kurdish affect the interpersonal meta-function? The findings provide quantitative information regarding the distribution of the results regarding the attitude types, the use and selection of the attitudinal subcategories, and the frequencies of each attitudinal mode in the speech of both genders. The results of the study indicate that the most popular choice of attitude is appreciation in both the male and female interviewees. The prevalent attitude polarity in the speech of the male speaker is negative. In contrast, positive polarity is predominantly employed by the female speaker. Furthermore, the use of attitudinal subcategories has a significant impact on the interpersonal meaning through which the speakers express their attitudes, as well as on the intimacy and friendship with the audience</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 detection of Giardia lamblia by immunochromatographic assay from stool samples in Erbil Province2024-12-30T08:24:48+00:00Hataw Fryad Saber[email protected]Heshu J. Ahmed[email protected]Hawri M. Bakr[email protected]<p>Background: A flagellated protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia is one of the most significant causes of parasitic gastrointestinal illnesses. The main method of transmission is through the fecal-oral route, and the life cycle is straightforward and direct, including the motile trophozoite and nonmotile cyst stages. The aim of the study was to compare microscopy and immunochromatographic tests for diagnosing Giardia lamblia. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done by selecting 100 microscopically negative samples from groups of people In Erbil city, which were collected and stored at -20 °C for further testing. The result of the study conducted showed that, from 100 frozen samples, 3% were positive by immunochromatographic rapid testing. Males were more likely to participate in this study because most of the participants were food handlers. There was no statistically significant association between the gastrointestinal symptoms of positive patients; 1 (2.8%) has symptoms, and 2 (3.1%) are asymptomatic. It is concluded that Immunochromatographic assays are easy to perform, rapid, sensitive, and specific. It showed that the test may be useful in the diagnosis of infection in large cases or in studying the epidemiology of Giardia lamblia</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 and Investigation of 10 MW On-Grid PV System Under Duhok Climate Conditions2024-12-30T08:36:01+00:00Mazin Senhareeb Raoof [email protected]Aree Akram Muhammed[email protected]<p>Solar energy is one of the most important and versatile renewable energy sources available. The importance of photovoltaic systems has increased in recent years in the majority of the world, as it is a clean, reliable, and sustainable energy source. This paper presents the designing of 10MW On-grid solar plant under Duhok weather conditions (annual solar radiation & temperature). The design of the plant consists of ten units of 1MW each, (connected in parallel) to a 33 KV, 50 Hz distribution feeder through a 2MVA step-up transformer each unit. The study contains investigation of finding the optimal solar panel tilt angle, estimation of solar irradiance in Duhok city as case study, and evaluation of an important system parameters (all types of losses, system performance, energy yield, system efficiency and environmental effect), with aid of Matlab program. It was concluded from the results obtained from the programs, that Duhok city has a good location to establish a large-scales of solar photovoltaic plants.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Impact of Time- Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) on Improve of Product Value2024-12-30T08:42:29+00:00Qabil Zrar Hamad[email protected]Rizgar Abdullah Sabir Jaf[email protected]<p>The current research addressed the impact of time-driven activity-based costing technique (TDABC) on improving the value of products in the industrial firms in Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The main importance of the study was the possible apply of the (TDABC) in the industrial firms in Kurdistan Region-Iraq and their contribution to cost reduction (CR), and improving each of customer satisfaction (CS), productivity (PRO), product quality (PQ), and competitive price (CP). Due to traditional cost systems' inability to compete and correctly allocate overhead costs and also, they have been unable to keep up with changes in the business environment. This study attempts to identify the concept, importance, and goals of TDABC, highlight them in the cost reduction, increasing product quality, improving customer satisfaction, increasing productivity, and improving product comparative price as well as measure the correlation between TDABC and dimensions of improving product value. This research study it uses a statistical data analysis program (SPSS 25) to measure and analyze the data it gets from questionnaires and surveys that it is distributed on industrial firm in the Kurdistan region. This study distributed 275 questionary forms on industrial firms and collected 215 forms that were used to indicate results and analysis. The results of the study's analysis indicated a positive and significant relationship between TDABC and improving product value. As a result, it is shown that the relationship between TDABC and dimensions of improving product value like (cost reduction, customer satisfaction, productivity, product quality, and competitive price) is positive and significant. Additionally, the regression results between TDABC and improving product value by dimensions like (cost reduction, customer satisfaction, productivity, product quality, and competitive price) is similarly positive and significant. Finally, the study recommends that future researchers test time-driven activity-based costing in the public sector to investigate the impacts of this technique on reducing costs and improving quality of service when providing services.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 the Male Gaze and Power Relations in Tracy Chevalier’s Girl with a Pearl Earring2024-12-30T08:50:34+00:00Ala Beshank Ahmed[email protected]Meram Salim Shekh Mohamad[email protected]<p>The interwoven relationship between art and literature is exemplified in the eminent novel Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier (1999). This novel is inspired by the painting with the same title, created by Johannes Vermeer (1665-1666). The artwork serves as a visual narrative, sparking literary interpretations and inspiring various written works. The mysterious gaze of the girl in the painting, coupled with the subtle play of light, has prompted writers to craft stories, poems, and novels, examining the imagined life and emotions of the subject. This article investigates the novel by focusing on the connections between the painting and the narration, each form enriches and complements the other in a harmonious blend of creativity. It will discuss how intertextuality is presented by applying Julia Kristeva’s theory, as well as highlighting the main character's victimization of the male gaze as discussed by Laura Mulvey’s psychoanalyst interpretations. This paves the way to illustrating the power relations between a master and a maid through Micheal Foucault’s theories</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Linear Model analysis for Binomial distribution with the application2024-12-30T08:55:39+00:00Kamran Hassan Ahmed[email protected]<p>The aim of this research is to use a generalized Linear model for the binary logistic regression model to study the effect of different concentrations of two drugs (xi1, xi2) that were studied at different levels on patients with nephritis (kidney inflammation), where the response variable (yi) represents the number of cure cases (Binomial distribution) as a result of taking the two drugs. In order to estimate the logistic model, two functions link were used, the first is the probit function, and the second is the logit function, and then a comparison between the results of using the two functions. The results support the preference of the estimated Logit regression model through the criteria (Akaike's Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, and Mean Square Error). The effectiveness of the first independent variable (drug) on the second independent variable (drug) through the preferred model.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 as State-Building in Weak States 2024-12-30T08:59:34+00:00Zubir R. Ahmed [email protected]Handren Ahmad Eahya [email protected]<p>This study aims to discuss and analyses the theoretical understanding of institution-building as state-building. It examines Fukuyama’s conceptual understanding of institutions and applies it in the context of state-building in Iraq. The significance of the subject is that it is one of the most controversial topics in contemporary politics and international relations. A political analysis method was used and the research data dealt with by examining a number of variables. It will argue that the process of state-building in Iraq since 2003 has been complex and challenging, marked by a series of successes, setbacks, and ongoing struggles. Furthermore, Iraq’s post-Saddam era has been marked by efforts to build and strengthen various state institutions. These institutions include the judiciary, security forces, and other government bodies responsible for essential functions such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and finance. However, the process of institution-building in Iraq has faced significant challenges, which include ethno-sectarian divisions, insurgencies, and external influences that have complicated the political landscape and hindered efforts to create stable institutions. Corruption and inefficiency have also been persistent issues that have hindered the development of a strong governing framework. This study concludes that Iraqi political institutions are deeply fragmented.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Organization’s Approach to The Problems of Governing Globalization2024-12-30T09:05:00+00:00Mohammed Ali Ahmed[email protected]<p>Global governance is one of the major phenomena of the world politics; however, approaches to tackle the problems of global governance or governing globalization are approved or verified by all sides. The main question of the current research is: Do International Organizations have an agreed approach for the problems of governing globalization or global governance? Despite that the states and in somehow the international organizations are part of the problems, however, one of the approaches to deal with global governance is international organizations. This study uses the comparative approach and document analysis. This part analyses the relevant articles and documents which have articulated internationally to deal with the problems of global governance. This research is an effort to analyze the role of the international organization’s approach to the problems of governing globalizations. There have been many problems in the world, thus this research is unable to emphasis on all of them. It would be concluded that the international organization’s approach to deal with the problems of governing globalization is not adequate and poses shortcomings. In addition, the international organizations are unable to have an approach upon-agreed on to deal with the challenges which the humanity is facing.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 cultural awareness in academic writing skills in EFL classes: Soran and Salahaddin universities as a case study2024-12-30T09:09:01+00:00Mokhles Saleh Ibrahim[email protected]Zana Mahmood Hassan [email protected]<p>This paper aimed to highlight the impact of teaching cultural awareness in academic writing skills in EFL classes. Also, it tended to answer these research questions: 1- To what extent do Kurdish EFL learners pay attention to cultural aspects of English Academic writing? 2-Would students, who receive teaching English cultural aspects of writing, have better writing productions in terms of including cultural elements of EAW? The quasi-experimental method has been used. Thus, 28 and 27 EFL students were selected for both the experimental and control group from Soran and Salahaddin Universities in Kurdistan Region- Iraq. Essay writing was employed as the data collection instrument for the pre-test and post-test. The results revealed that the participants’ essay writing and academic writing skills in both groups improved. Still, the essay scores of experimental group participants were higher than control group students and significantly enhanced.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Concept of Commiseration with the ''Enemy'' Within War Literature2024-12-30T09:13:45+00:00Mariwan Hwayyiz Rustum [email protected]<p>The subject of war and literature has garnered a great deal of critical attention; nevertheless, this special issue concentrates on literary texts that examine the concept of commiseration with the "enemy" within war literature. Texts that depict authors and/or literary characters attempting to comprehend the motives, beliefs, cultural values, and of those who have been labelled as enemies by their nations often indicate that the soldier has begun a process of reflection about why he or she is a part of the war experience. These writings also demonstrate how political authorities frequently use propaganda and myth-making strategies to convince soldiers that they are fighting opponents that are terrible, subhuman, and hence are their direct foes. Literary works that demonstrate an author and/or literary character reflecting on state-supported definitions of good/evil, right/wrong, ally/enemy can provide a chance to reassess the aims of war, as well as one's moral role during combat. With the fear of war, a constant reality in the modern period, it is crucial to recognize literary texts that reflect on the political manipulation of belief during warfare that drives one to accept intolerance against others by maintaining a designation that they are the enemy.<br>This issue is particularly interested in receiving pieces that explore writings produced from the perspective of troops considering why they are fighting. Texts that center on a soldier's meditation on what their opponent may be like, who they are, what they believe, and so on are popular are much desired. </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Concept of War in Wilfred Owen’s Poetry2024-12-30T09:17:58+00:00Abdalla Fatah Balu[email protected]Shwana Qadir Perot[email protected]<p>This paper explores the concept of war in Wilfred Owen’s poems to familiarize readers and scholars with the most considerable concerns that were concentrated by the poet in his terrible experience in World War I. It consists of various sections, in which a critical analysis of each part is given. In its introduction, a general literary overview of Owen and a historical background of the First World War are focused on the first half of the 20th century which influenced his writing style and subject matter. Then, the idea of pity of war in the body of the paper is discussed as a result of his participation that let him feel all the disastrous consequences the war brought to the life of soldiers in the front and all people in the countries. This shaped and developed his effectual war poetry to warn the people about the reality of war which can be analyzed as his major aim in composing poetry. In addition, special attention is devoted to his concern about revolting against the glory of war and patriotism in another section. For that, his great poems such as ‘Strange Meeting’, ‘The Disabled’, and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ are taken into consideration to find his prominent features practically. In conclusion, the main critical characteristics of Owen’s war poetry about the pity of war, rejecting the glory of war, and his depiction of the reality of war is summarized to guide readers to keep the most influential ones in mind.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Implementation of Student-centered Learning Through Presentation for Speaking Skills2024-12-30T09:22:29+00:00Bestoon Saleh Ali [email protected]Nian Saeed Abdullah[email protected]<p>Student-centered approach has tremendously been used as an important approach in teaching and learning English language. Applying certain activities while using this approach is considered to be a primary step. This has been investigated by numerous studies. However, there is a limited number of studies about how presentation as an activity can improve student’s speaking skill in the student-centered approach. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the application of presentation as an activity in improve student’s speaking skill in the student-centered approach. For this regard, an experimental design was used with having pretest and posttest as main instruments. Totally, 48 students were selected from the English department in the College of Education and Languages at Lebanese French University in Erbil, Kurdistan Region. After finishing the process of data collection, Paired sample t test was utilized to analyze the data. The findings of pretest and posttest demonstrated that the progress of student’s speaking skill was highly noticed. Nevertheless, statistically the improvement of control group was not as important as experimental group which is the group that students implemented presentation as an activity. Hence, presentation as an activity can be significantly followed for improvising student’s speaking skill</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TEST CASE GENERATION WITH TIME OPTIMIZATION USING GRAPH DECOMPOSITION 2024-12-30T09:26:54+00:00Lana Kamal Mohammed[email protected]Moayad Y. Potrus[email protected]<p>Web application testing is an essential process in software development that has become increasingly important in recent years because of the growing complexity and dynamic nature of web applications, in addition to the need to ensure their quality in a highly competitive market. The dynamic nature of web applications is one among the major difficulties in the field of testing web applications. Also, it is crucial to strike a balance between time to market and software quality. Furthermore, in an era of rapid technological advancement, web application testing remains an ongoing and evolving challenge for developers. Thus, this research proposes an approach to optimize the time of the testing phase in the software development life cycle. Within this work, the web application is represented as a graph model, which is then decomposed to facilitate the automatic generation of test cases. And presents an updated graph decomposition algorithm and demonstrates its usefulness in partitioning the graph models of web applications under test. Based on the results, applying the suggested work can reduce the testing time by ~90%. This significant time-saving potential not only accelerates the development lifecycle but also enables developers to allocate more resources to comprehensive testing, leading to more robust and reliable web applications</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Efficient Deep Learning based Real Time Facial Expression Recognition System2024-12-30T09:32:49+00:00Sharmeen M.Saleem[email protected]Subhi R. M. Zeebaree[email protected]Maiwan B. Abdulrazzaq[email protected]<p>Human-computer interaction, emotion analysis, and more depend on computer vision's face expression recognition. Real-time facial expression identification enhances decision-making in human-computer interaction, healthcare, marketing, and other fields. This study introduces a fast and accurate real-time facial expression identification system utilizing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Mobile Network Version 2 (MobileNetV2). The proposed methodology involves the design and implementation of a CNN architecture tailored for facial expression recognition. We strategically arrange layers, fine-tune parameters, and leverage transfer learning techniques, particularly focusing on the optimization of model depth and complexity. The model is trained and evaluated using benchmark datasets to ensure robust performance across various facial expressions. Data-driven infrastructure helps the system manage real-world changes. Our approach identifies facial emotions in real time from live footage. This paper explores facial expression recognition employing a simplified CNN architecture, contrasting with more complex pre-trained networks like MobileNetV2. Despite its simplicity, the proposed CNN yields result close to the performance of MobileNetV2. The study emphasizes the viability of less intricate CNNs for facial expression recognition, offering a balance between model simplicity and competitive accuracy. High accuracy and computational efficiency make the system suitable for real-time applications and resource-constrained systems The experimental tests extracted that a very acceptable accuracy achieved when using CNN model with the AffectNet dataset with a ratio of (97.2%).</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024